Party to support family of Shiv Sena supporter dies while going to Tirupati Balaji temple

A Shiv Sena follower died while on his way to Tirupati Balaji temple in Andhra Pradesh on foot to pray for the well being of Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray. CM Thackeray had recently operated for Cervical Spondylitis and now he is recovering. During this many Shiv Sainiks prayed for his successful operation and special puja for good health.

Ruikar, such a staunch Shiv Sena supporter in Beed district, had vowed that if his leader’s operation was successful and his health improved, he would travel from Beed to Tirupati Balaji on foot. To fulfill his vow, Ruikar began his journey from Beed to Tirupati to worship at the Balaji temple.

Ruiker, 47, walked for several days but his health deteriorated. He had a fever and was admitted to the hospital but instead of improving his condition, it took a worse turn and died.

‘A caring, helpful man gone too soon’

Ruikar was known among his Shiv Sainik friends as a man who was always ready to help those in trouble. He was associated with Shiv Sena since 1995 and is said to have always helped those who sought his help. So his sudden demise has shocked many people. The Thackeray family had a special attachment to him.

Ruikar left behind an aging father, wife and two children and was the only earning member in the family. Due to his death, his family is in serious financial crisis and the party has come forward to help him. Shiv Sena has said that the party will bear all the expenses of the family.

Back when Uddhav Thackeray became the Chief Minister of Maharashtra after several political hurdles, Ruikar had taken the same vow and traveled to Tirupati Balaji Temple on foot from Beed.

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