Parshuram Jayanti 2023: Date, Time, Significance, Wishes And Interesting Stories About Lord Parashurama

Parshuram Jayanti 2023: Hindus celebrate Parshuram Jayanti, the anniversary of the birth of Lord Parashurama, with great enthusiasm and devotion. The festival is celebrated on the third day of Shukla Paksha in the Hindu month of Vaishakh, which falls in April and May according to the Gregorian calendar. Parshuram Jayanti will be celebrated on 22 April this year.

Lord Vishnu’s mission in his sixth incarnation is to lighten the burden on the earth by removing the corrupt, destructive and irreligious kings who usurped its wealth and neglected their duties as kings.

Parshurama Jayanti 2023: Date and time

Parashurama Jayanti 2023: Saturday, April 22, 2023

Akshaya Tritiya date: Saturday, April 22, 2023

Tritiya Tithi begins: at 10:19 pm on April 21, 2023

Tritiya Tithi ends: 10:17 pm on April 22, 2023

Parshurama Jayanti: History

Parashurama, one of the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu in Hindu mythology, is highly revered. The son of sage Jamadagni and his wife Renuka, he is believed to have been born in Treta Yuga. He was a warrior who upheld religious ideals and fought the forces of evil to save the good. He is famous for his brutal struggle with the Kshatriya clan, who were mistreating the common people and misusing their authority. Lord Parashurama is revered and worshiped by his followers on the occasion of his birth anniversary. He is considered to be the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Parshurama Jayanti: Significance

The festival is organized in celebration of Lord Parashurama, who is considered as the representation of strength, courage and righteousness. He is said to have fought against evil spirits and lived his life according to religious teachings.

Devotees worship Lord Parshuram on Parshuram Jayanti, seek his blessings and perform special pujas. Many people also keep a fast on this day, they break their fast only after the worship is over. The day serves as a reminder to individuals to follow Dharma in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, it is a day of celebration of the victory of good over evil.

Parshuram Jayanti 2023: Wishes and Messages

– May you have a healthy and happy life and may Lord Parshuram bless you with success and happiness.

If you have determination and focus in life, you can never give up. Wishing you a very Happy Parshuram Jayanti!

– Happy Parshuram Jayanti! May Lord Parshuram give you all the happiness in the world.

Here’s wishing you and your family a very happy Parshuram Jayanti.

– May you have a healthy and happy life and may Lord Parshuram bless you with success and happiness.

Parshurama Jayanti: Interesting Stories About Lord Parashurama

Lord Parashurama fought with Lord Shiva

Lord Parshuram loved Lord Shiva very much. But when Lord Shiva challenged him to a fight to test him, he was forced to battle his adorable deity. The struggle was strong and brutal. In the end, Lord Parashurama made a fierce attack by striking Lord Shiva’s forehead with his ax. Pleased with his talent, Lord Shiva embraced him with affection. Because of this incident, Lord Shiva is known as Khand Parshu.

Lord Parshuram and his ax

The name Parashurama is translated as “Rama with the axe” or “Parashu”. The favorite weapon of Lord Parshuram is the ax. He had received this ax from Lord Shiva. Lord Parshuram loved Lord Shiva very much. After his long penance, Lord Shiva was pleased and gave him an axe.

Lord Parshuram Gifted Sage Kashyapa

Lord Parshuram had given the earth to sage Kashyap. It is said that Lord Parshuram had ousted all the Kshatriyas and kings from the planet 21 times. Then, with the help of sage Kashyapa, he performed a yajna and was given all the territories on earth. But he had no desire to rule the planet. As a result, he offered the entire land as a donation to sage Kashyapa.

Lord Parshuram and his mother

Lord Parashurama’s mother Renuka was so devoted to her husband that her virginity gave her the ability to collect water even without a pot. One day, he saw a Gandharva on the banks of the river, and for a moment, longing consumed him.

As a result, the water liquefied and extinguished it. Sage Jamadagni with the help of his yogic abilities understood what had happened. He ordered each of his sons to personally kill their mother in a fit of rage. All those who refused received a stone-like curse from the sage. Lord Parashurama was incredibly observant and immediately killed his mother with his ax. The sages were pleased with his orders.

The sage asked Lord Parshuram to ask for a boon. As his reward, Lord Parashurama asked his father to revive his mother and his brothers, which sage Jamadagni happily did.

slaying of Kartavirya

According to legend, King Kartavirya stole the sacred calf from his father’s hermitage, which is claimed to have led to the 21 massacre of Kshatriyas by Lord Parashurama. King Kartavirya fought with Lord Parashurama, who eventually killed him while trying to save the calf. To avenge his father’s death, the king’s son killed sage Jamadagni. Lord Parshuram got angry with this and he killed the Kshatriyas.

Karna’s Curse

Karna, the illegitimate son of Kunti Devi, wished to seek guidance from Lord Parashurama. However, Lord Parashurama had taken an oath not to teach Kshatriyas. Karna then lied to Lord Parashurama by claiming to be a Brahmin instead of a Kshatriya. On coming to know about this, Lord Parshuram became very angry.

Karna was cursed by Lord Parashurama that when he needed his talents most, he would forget everything he had learned through deceit. Karna eventually died due to this curse during the Battle of Kurukshetra.

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