Panic of Omicron in Madhya Pradesh: Foreign woman who came to Jabalpur from South Africa on November 18 is missing, all the passengers of the flight will be investigated

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  • Health Department in search of foreign woman from South Africa, new ‘Omicron variant’ of Kovid raised concern

Jabalpur7 minutes ago

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The panic of Corona’s new variant Omicron is now also in Madhya Pradesh. There has been a stir from Bhopal to Delhi due to a woman who came to Jabalpur from the African country of Botswana. The woman had come to Jabalpur from Delhi airport on November 18 on an Air India flight, but she has not been traced till now. Health department and administration officials are looking for the woman. Air India has said to share the information by Monday. The administration has also issued a helpline number to trace the woman.

At this time there has been increased concern due to Omicron around the world. It is spreading seven times faster than the delta variant. Patients of this variant have been found in many countries including South Africa. This is the reason why samples are being taken by monitoring and contact tracing of every passenger coming from abroad. On Sunday, the Jabalpur district administration came to know that on November 18, a woman from Botswana, South Africa, had reached Jabalpur. In search of him, the Health Department searched all the hotels and guest houses in the city, but he could not be traced.

Search for foreign woman who came to Jabalpur from Air India on 18 November.

Search for foreign woman who came to Jabalpur from Air India on 18 November.

Information being collected about the passengers traveling with the woman
When the matter came to light, the interrogation of 24-year-old Khumo Orimate Selin started with the officials of Jabalpur from Bhopal. Air India has said to give full details on Monday. For example, how many and where were the passengers on the flight? Their full details will be shared. After this, the Health Department will take everyone’s samples and send them for examination. At the same time, after searching for the foreign woman, her sample will be sent for genome sequencing.

Helpline number issued for giving information of foreign women
According to the Health Department, after the detection of the foreign woman, her contact tracing will be done. The Health Department has issued an alert regarding this on Sunday and sought help from the people. It has been said that if anyone has any information about a woman from Botswana who came to Jabalpur from Delhi on November 18, Dr. Priyank Dubey-9111007776, Dr. Vibhor Hazari-9039095222 and Dr. Vivek Thakur-8962548384 Report on mobile numbers. Information about foreign nationals has also been sought from hotel operators.

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