Palestinian, 16, killed while hurling firebombs by IDF in West Bank, military says

Israeli soldiers shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian in the West Bank on Sunday night after he hurled firebombs at a military post, the military said.

The Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Health has identified the teenager as Yemen’s Nafeez Jafal. He was shot in his hometown of Abu Dis, on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

According to the Israeli military, Jafal, along with another Palestinian, threw Molotov cocktails at a military observation post. The military said soldiers spotted the two during a “pre-planned operation” inside the Palestinian city.

“The soldiers fired at a suspect and hit him. Later, he died of his wounds. The second suspect fled,” the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement.

Six Palestinians have been killed in violent clashes with Israeli troops in the past two weeks. before SundayPolice shot and killed 19-year-old Palestinian Karim al-Qawasme after he stabbed an officer in Jerusalem, police said. Another officer was injured in friendly firing in the incident.

In another suspicious incident last week, Israeli soldiers shot and killed 19-year-old Palestinian student Ammar Abu Afifa near Hebron. The army later denied accusing him of any violent activity, saying soldiers saw him approaching a checkpoint, chased him and shot him.

In response to Jafal’s death on Sunday night, the Palestinian Authority accused Israel of “extraordinary executions” of Palestinians, accusing them of taking advantage of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

,[Israel] The world is benefiting from the preoccupation with the war in Ukraine,” said PA Prime Minister Mohamed Shtayyeh.

The Hamas terrorist group also condemned Jafal’s death, but did not claim the teenager as a member.

“This crime will not stop the legitimate will of our people, our just struggle to retake our land,” Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasim said.

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