Pakistani army clashes with Afghan protesters after one person died while waiting to enter Chaman border

Chaman Border, Pakistan, Afghanistan
Image Source: AP

Pakistani soldiers stand guard while stranded people walk to the Afghan side at a border crossing point in Chaman, Pakistan.

A global news wire quoted Pakistani security officials as saying that Pakistani forces clashed with hundreds of Afghans stranded in Pakistan at a commercially important crossing point with Afghanistan after being cordoned off by the Taliban.

Unrest broke out after a 56-year-old Afghan passenger died of a heart attack as he waited in the dusty heat to enter Afghanistan via the Chaman-Spin Boldak crossing. According to the report, the protesters took his body to a local Pakistani government office demanding the reopening of the border.

Some started pelting stones at the security forces, who in retaliation fired tear gas shells and lathi-charged the protesters to disperse them. No one was reported to be injured.

The Chaman-Spin Boldak crossing is located between the second busiest entry point in Afghanistan and the main commercial artery of the Pakistani seaboard.

The Taliban took control of the Spin Boldak district last month. He announced the closure of the Chaman-Spin Boldak crossing on 6 August in protest against the Pakistani decision to end visa-free travel for Afghans.

The group is demanding that Pakistan should allow Afghans with Afghan ID cards or refugee registration cards issued by Pakistan to cross the border. According to the report, about 900 trucks daily passed through the Chaman-Spin Boldak crossing before the Taliban took over.

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