Pakistan: Groom Surprises Bride With Framed Picture Of Ex-PM Imran Khan At Wedding

The groom, standing on stage, unwraps a gift for his newlywed bride during their wedding. Upon seeing the contents, the bride bursts into laughter, delighted by the unexpected present. The groom proudly reveals a framed picture of Imran Khan, Pakistan’s jailed former prime minister, to the wedding guests.

Also Read: Pakistan: Independent Candidates Supported By Imran Khan’s PTI Take Lead In Final Tally

An X user captioned the video as the couple happily posed for pictures together, holding the frame amidst a flower shower and the cheering of guests. They wondered how long it would take before authorities banned such actions.

Since its sharing on April 30, the video has accumulated over 683,000 views and 1,600 likes on X. It has sparked mixed reactions on social media, with some users labeling it a “common occurrence” at Pakistani weddings, due to the unusual gift shown in the video.

One user expressed their intention, writing, “I will definitely do this at my wedding with my beloved.” Another commenter remarked, “The connection with Imran Khan isn’t merely political; it’s a tale of love.” A third individual pondered, “When will people come out in large numbers to demand his release? These gestures are nice, but they aren’t making a significant impact.”

Some critics found the practice rather strange and voiced their disapproval. A fourth individual remarked, “I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams what was being unwrapped, not even in a bajillion years.”

A fifth commenter chimed in, expressing shock: “I’m speechless. We’re eager to boycott businesses harming our economy, yet we won’t speak out against such cult-like practices.”

Where is Imran Khan Now? 

Authorities have imprisoned Mr. Khan, who served as PM from 2018 to 2022, in multiple cases, including one where he and his wife received a 14-year jail sentence for the illegal sale of state gifts.

The Election Commission sentenced Khan to three years in prison in August 2023 for not declaring assets earned from selling gifts worth more than 140 million rupees (USD 501,000) that were in state possession and received during his premiership.

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