Pakistan crisis: ‘Shoe Attack’ on Home Minister Rana Sanaullah outside Punjab assembly – WATCH

Pakistan: A shoe was hurled at the windshield of Home Minister Rana Sanaullah’s vehicle outside the MLA on Tuesday as heated arguments continued inside the Punjab Assembly. When the incident happened, the minister was sitting in the front passenger seat while his driver was driving a car passing by a group of journalists. A video of the incident is going viral on social media, in which the shoe aimed at Sanaullah was allegedly launched by an unknown person. As the minister prepared to leave the premises of the provincial assembly, it flew towards his vehicle.

Sanaullah’s driver stopped the car for a moment when the shoe was thrown but moved on once it flew past the vehicle. According to media reports, the driver of Rashid Hafeez, a member (MPA) of Imran Khan’s party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in the Punjab Legislative Assembly, allegedly threw a shoe.

Earlier today, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-controlled Punjab government banned the minister along with Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Ataullah Tarar and other party leaders. According to details, police and assembly staff prevented Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) MPs and leaders from entering the premises of the building; However, some members forced their way into it.

Addressing a press conference along with other party leaders, Sanaullah said that the security agencies were also told not to allow them (PML-N leaders) to enter the assembly; However, he refused to comply with “illegal” orders.

The PML-N leader said, “IG Punjab was also asked to stop us from entering the building, but he refused to implement the orders.” for the vote of confidence.

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Punjab’s coalition government have been at loggerheads for days as the political turmoil over Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi’s trust vote intensified.