Former ISI chief Faiz Hameed has been arrested by the Pakistan Army in connection with a housing scheme scandal. The army’s public relations office confirmed the arrest, stating that it followed a Supreme Court order to investigate allegations against retired Lt Gen Faiz Hameed concerning the Top City case.
Allegations and Investigation
Top City, a private housing scheme in Pakistan, accused Hameed of orchestrating a raid on the offices and residence of its owner, Moeez Khan. In response to these allegations, the Pakistan Army formed an inquiry committee in April to investigate potential misuse of authority by Hameed. This investigation followed a Supreme Court ruling in November of the previous year, which highlighted that the serious nature of the allegations against Hameed could not be ignored, as they might damage the reputation of the country’s institutions if proven true.
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Disciplinary Actions and Legal Proceedings
The inquiry concluded with the initiation of disciplinary actions against Hameed under the Pakistan Army Act. The Supreme Court had also instructed the owner of the housing society to approach relevant authorities, including the Defence Ministry, to seek further action against the former ISI chief and his associates.
In a related development, in March this year, a court in Rawalpindi placed Najaf Hameed, the brother of Faiz Hameed, in jail on a 14-day judicial remand in connection with the same case.