Outlook-ICARE Ranking 2021: Top 5 Government Mass Communication Institutes in India | Outlook India Magazine

Outlook-ICARE Ranking 2021: Top 5 Government Mass Communication Institutes in India



Rank 2021 Name of the Institute Academic and Research Excellence (200) Industry Interface and Placement (300) Infrastructure and Facilities (200) Governance and Admission (150) Diversity and Outreach (150) Overall Score (1000) 1 Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), 155.03 257.96 173.77 108.29 124.02 819.07 2 AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 162.71 250.34 177.26 97.45 96.97 784.73 3 Department of Media and 701479 Savita Studies, 84.96.96 Mass Communication, AMU, Aligarh 34.153.59 1020.05.18 Lucknow University 174.05 86.13 105.22 48.73 39.14 453.27 Rank 2021 1 Name of the Institution Indian Institute of Excellence in Mass Communication and Industry (IIMC), New Delhi Educational Institute (200) 155.03 Institute of Academic and Research (IIMC), New Delhi Placement (300) 257.96 Infrastructure and Facilities (200) 173.77 Governance and Admission (150) 108.29 Diversity and Outreach (150) 124.02 Composite Score (1,000) 819.07 Rank 2021 2 Institute Name AJK Center for Mass Communication Research, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Academic and Research Excellence ( 200) 162.71 Industry Interface and Placement (300) 250.34 Infrastructure and Facilities (200) 177.26 Governance and Admission (150) 97.45 Diversity and Outreach (150) 96.97 Composite Score (1,000) 784.73 Rank 2021 3 Institute Name Department of Media and Communication Studies , Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Academic and Research Excellence (200) 166.96 Industry Interface and Placement (300) 196.67 Infrastructure and Facilities (200) 147.92 Governance and Admission (150) 98 Diversity and Outreach (150) 98.84 Composite Score (1,000) 708.39 Rank 2021 4 Name of the Institute Department of Mass Communication, AMU, Aligarh Academic and Research Excellence (200) 153.54 Industry Interface and Placement ( 300) 90.18 Infrastructure and Facilities (200) 136.09 Governance and Admission (150) 105.75 Diversity and Outreach (150) 34.91 Composite Score (1,000) 520.47 Rank 2021 5 Name of the Institution University of Lucknow Academic and Research Excellence (200) 174.05 Industry Interface and Placement (300) 86.13 Infrastructure and Facilities (200) 105.22 Governance and Admission (150) 48.73 Diversity and Outreach (150) 39.14 Overall Score (1,0) 00) 453.27 Also Read Outlook-ICARE Ranking 2021: Best Colleges in India Outlook-ICARE Ranking 2021: Top 30 Government Engineering Colleges in India Outlook-ICARE Ranking 2021: Top 100 Private Engineering Colleges in India Top Private Engineering Institutions (in alphabetical order) Outlook-ICARE Ranking 2021: Top 13 Government Medical Institutions in India Outlook-ICARE Ranking 2021: Top 23 Private Medical Institutions in India Outlook-ICARE Ranking 2021: Top 8 Government Medical Institutions in India…


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