Our Blues Ep 7-8 Review: Park Ji-Hwan, Choi Young-Jun Revisit Past Wounds in the Most Emotional Episode

Our Blues started off as a light and breezy tale of the various people residing on the island of Jeju. As the K-drama is progressing, it is giving a better glance at the complications of the people whose lives seem quite mundane from the outside. The 7th and the 8th episodes completely focus on Jung In-Gwon (Park Ji-hwan) and Bang Ho-sik (Choi Young-jun) and the latter’s daughter’s pregnancy with the former’s son.

The 7th episode however starts with Seon-A (Shin Min-a) recalling what her son said about her and trying to drown herself. Realizing that she will not get her son’s custody after the divorce, she gives up on life. However, she is saved by the divers and is admitted to the hospital. Dong-Seok (Lee Byung-hun) lingers around the hospital to ensure she is alright but never directly his concerns. Captain Jeong-joon (Kim Woo-bin) tells him that the owner of the place Seon-A was staying in doesn’t want someone who attempted suicide, hence they threw away her bag. Later, Dong-Seok helps Seon-A find a place to stay in.

Meanwhile, Yeong-Ju and Hyeon decide that they are keeping the child and are going to break the news to their respective fathers Ho-sik and In-Gwon. This obviously isn’t going to be easy as the two men, who used to be inseparable at one point in time, now hate each other. Eun-Hui also calls and tells Yeong-ju that she is aware of her pregnancy.

The way the two fathers react to the news is a direct reflection of their personalities. A former goon, In-Gwon beats up his son at every word he says, whereas Ho-sik, known to be soft-spoken, will harm himself before he lays a hand on his daughter. The former thinks that Yeong-ju seduced his son while the latter believes, for his comfort that Hyeon forced her. The teenagers repeated that they had sex knowing what they were doing and are now sure that they want to keep the baby. Both the fathers agree that the child should be aborted.

In between, we see flashbacks of Ho-sik and In-Gwon’s friendship. The two always had each other’s back and stepped up when the other was in trouble. However, when the former was a gambler and spent all money that the latter lent him. He never changed his ways. When his wife leaves him and his daughter alone, he again goes to In-Gwon to ask for money. But he humiliates him in front of his daughter and says that he is using her for begging money. He also ro=idicules him for being poor and spending all the money he lent him.

This is when the two started falling apart. Back to the present, In-Gwon lends Ho-sik money so that he can help his daughter get an abortion. This makes him remember his past days and just like before, he throws away his money. They get into a fight which is broken off by Eun-hui and Captain Joon, but not before they have beaten each other into a pulp.

At their school, the teenagers get support from their classmates who think that Yeong-Ju can attend school even after giving birth. Their teacher wants to see her father before taking the final decision.

The 8th episode is a continuation of this storyline. The two fathers, still at each other’s neck are not ready to accept the pregnancy. We also get to know that the reason In-Gwon’s wife left him was that he accidentally caused her mother’s accident and eventual death. He was always a thug in his mother-in-law’s eyes but she didn’t want him to be an embarrassment to his son.

Yeong-Ju’s father once again convinces her to abort the baby and go to Seoul to pursue her dreams but she is adamant. This leads to a fight between them and her father calls her unborn child ‘baggage’. Angrily, he also calls his daughter the same and says that he had a hard time raising her. Yeong-ju leaves her house and takes shelter in a motel, where Seon-A is also staying.

Later, In-Gwon forces Yeong-ju to go to the hospital and get an abortion but is stopped by his son. He pushes him aside after he refuses to listen to him and says that his father has always been an embarrassment to him. Ho-sik also reaches the scene and again ends up beating In-Gwon for forcing his daughter.

They are restrained in a cell following the fight, where the two have a non-violent conversation for the first time. Ho-sik tells In-Gwon that he was the only person he could depend on but he ridiculed him when he needed him the most. After they are released from the holding cell, In-Gwon faints on their apartment’s staircase and Ho-sik carries him to the hospital.

Ho-sik also visits Yeong-ju’s school and has a conversation with her teacher. He however leaves without talking to his daughter. She confronts him and the father-daughter has an emotional moment where she apologises to him for leaving him and making him feel lonely. She says that although she has the baby and Hyeon, she is also lonely as she doesn’t have her father.

On the other hand, Hyeon visits his father after knowing that he has diabetes and has not accepted treatment for it. Frustrated and heartbroken, he tells his son that for his mother-in-law he was always a goon. That is why he couldn’t even stop his wife from leaving. But he never did anything wrong in front of Hyeon. Rather, he left his goon life behind him and took up the job of clearing pig intestines and boiling pig heads so that he can raise him. As he is leaving, Hyon hugs him from behind and the father-son duo break down. This moment of reunion is witnessed by Ho-sik who also can’t control his tears.

The 7th and the 8th episodes are the most complex ones the series has presented till now. Hyeon and Yeong-ju share very different kind of relationships with their fathers and both of them have their own ways of looking out for their children. While screaming and shouting are the only love language he knows, In-Gwon is very concerned about the fact that he will end up being an embarrassment to his son. Ho-sik on the other hand breaks out of his gentle shell but never lays a hand on his daughter. Both the men, their enmities aside, are lonely and hurt by the action of their kids.

Our Blues is streaming on Netflix.

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