opinion | Does the Taliban have access to the vast arsenal of aircraft, drones, weapons of the Afghan military?

opinion |  Does the Taliban have access to the vast arsenal?
Image Source : India TV

opinion | Does the Taliban have access to the vast arsenal of aircraft, drones, weapons of the Afghan military?

Today I want to share with you the details of the weapons and armaments that were lying with the Afghan army, and which could have fallen into the hands of the Taliban. Those in India who have been praising the Taliban for being “soft” and “modern” know that the new Taliban could be even more dangerous if it moves to helicopters, tanks, artillery, rifles and rocket-propelled grenades. Gets access that America gave. to the Afghan army.

The new Taliban fighter does not walk on a motorcycle with a rifle. You must have seen scenes of Taliban fighters roaming the US, armed with the latest rifles.

According to media reports, after the surrender of the Afghan forces, the Taliban could have had access to more than 2,000 armored vehicles, including US Humvees, UH-60 Black Hawks, A-29 Super Tucano Scout Attack Helicopters and ScanEagle military drones. 40 aircraft were involved. .

From 2003 to 2016, the US provided 208 aircraft to the Afghan military, of which 40 to 50 have been flown in Uzbekistan by Afghan pilots fleeing Taliban-held forces. US officials say many of these helicopters are ultra-modern, require constant maintenance and cannot be flown without proper training.

The Taliban would have gained access to the Afghan army’s vast arsenal, which included the M16A4 assault rifle and the M240 medium machine gun. Taliban fighters have been proudly displaying some of these rifles as they patrol the streets of Afghan cities.

Over the past two decades, approximately US$83 billion was spent to mobilize and equip the Afghan army. According to the US Government Accountability Office (like our CAG), the US supplied the Afghan military with more than 75,000 vehicles, as well as nearly six million weapons, 160,000 communications equipment and more than 200 aircraft. The Taliban may have access to most of these weapons and equipment.

The Taliban had AK 47, AK 56 rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, but after capturing Afghanistan, it would have gained access to a large arsenal left by Afghan troops. These include the M4 carbines and M16 assault rifles given by the US to the Afghan army.

Between April and July this year, the US handed over a large consignment of weapons and weapons to the Afghan forces. These include about 10,000 explosive rockets, 61,000 explosive rounds of 40 mm each, nine lakh 0.5 caliber bullets, 21 lakh other ammunition pieces. These were given to Afghan forces to fight the Taliban, but now most of these weapons could fall into the hands of the Taliban. Weapons include 60 mm, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars and 19 other types of weapons whose manufacturers are not known. The Taliban also have over 25,000 grenade launchers.

A few weeks ago, the US gave the Afghan National Defense and Security Force 174 high-mobility multipurpose vehicles called Humvees for short. The Afghan army already had 303 Humvees, 41 of which were destroyed by the Taliban during the fighting. The Taliban may also get access to 256 Ford Rangers pickup trucks. We have seen Taliban fighters walking proudly in these pickup trucks. There were 133 Navistar International Modern Series trucks and over 20 M-117 armored vehicles delivered by the US to the Afghan military. In total, there were more than a thousand armored vehicles.

The Afghan army had more than 40 T-54 and T-62 series tanks supplied by China. The Taliban may also have access to these tanks, although this cannot be confirmed at this time. Of the 60 high-class military vehicles with Afghan forces, nine were destroyed in the fighting, and the remaining 51 were with Afghan troops. The US supplied 20 Maxpro MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles designed by the American company Navistar to the Afghan forces. These mine resistant armored protected vehicles are designed to endure IED attacks and ambushes. They can withstand ballistic weapon fire and mine blasts. The Taliban can also gain access to these mine protected vehicles.

The Afghan army had thirty-five 132 mm howitzer guns, three 76 mm mountain division guns and eight anti-aircraft guns. The Taliban have a total of 775 guns. India had given Mi-24 helicopters to the Afghan army. Many of these helicopters are no longer of any use after being used by Afghan troops in the Battle of Kunduz. Taliban fighters were seen posing in front of the rotors of these helicopters. They had taken out most of the parts used in the helicopters.

The former Afghan Air Force had 45 Black Hawk helicopters, 50 MD-530s and 56 Mi-17 helicopters. Before the fall of Kabul, the Afghan Air Force had Mi-35 helicopters, in addition to C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft, C-208 utility aircraft, and AC-208 fixed wing aircraft, worth thousands of crores. In total, the Afghan Air Force had 211 aircraft, of which only 167 were operational as of 30 June. During the war, the Taliban destroyed 23 planes and seven helicopters. This means that 160 aircraft and helicopters are still intact.

The Taliban is now making a strong appeal to all Afghan pilots who fled abroad and to return. They do not have well trained pilots to operate aircraft and helicopters. I am aware that several attack aircraft and helicopters are now safe at a base in Tajikistan.

No one could have imagined that the well-equipped Afghan army and air force would surrender so humbly to the Taliban. Afghan forces had six American ScanEagle drones. This should be a cause for concern in the near future. The ScanEagle drone can reconnaissance, attack and rebound and can fly non-stop for 24 hours, that too at speeds of up to 150 kmph. The cost of each ScanEagle drone is US$4 million (Rs 30 crore).

The Taliban have captured 11 military bases located in Kandahar, Kabul, New Antonic, Camp Lincoln and other sites. The famous Bagram airport is now under Taliban control. If the Taliban gains access to these helicopters, attack planes and ScanEagle drones, it could soon resume fighting in the Panjshir Valley, now under the control of Ahmed Masood and his army. The Afghan army had 2,086 trucks, armored vehicles and jeeps. Of these, 106 were destroyed by the Taliban during the fighting. There were 1,980 trucks, vehicles and jeeps to which the Taliban have access. There were also six front skid loaders, two bulldozers, an excavator and an airport construction equipment.

I have read some international reports which say that Taliban may have access to arms, arms and ammunition worth around Rs 2 lakh crore. I fail to understand why American strategists did not take into account the possibility of such a large arsenal falling into the hands of the Taliban. If a radical organization like the Taliban gains access to a vast arsenal, it could pose a threat to the world.

US President Joe Biden is being asked questions as to why there was such a huge intelligence failure. Afghan war experts say the timing of the withdrawal was also wrong. April to October is ‘fighting season’ in Afghanistan, and no army can think it’s worth its salt during these months. During the harsh Afghan winter, Taliban stay indoors and do not come out in the open. It would have been difficult for the Taliban to capture such a large arsenal of aircraft, artillery, helicopters and trucks during the winter.

Today the situation is such that it is becoming increasingly difficult for American soldiers to evacuate their civilians, keeping a close watch on the actions of the Taliban. The loss of such a large arsenal is not only a major failure for the US, but indirectly a major strategic victory for Russia, Iran and China. They will now look for an edge in Central Asia.

The common American is asking, if after 20 years of occupation, the Americans had to return Afghanistan to the Taliban, what was the point of sacrificing the lives of more than 2,500 American soldiers? What was the need for the Afghan military to spend billions of dollars on weapons and equipment? People around the world are blaming Americans for the dance of death in Afghanistan today.

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