Only 1.6% of active cases of Kovid-19 hospitalized in Jaipur. Jaipur News – Times of India

Jaipur: With an increase in covid-19 active casesThere has been a slight increase in hospitalizations in Jaipur. With only 1.6% of the active cases, the city is currently sociable, requiring hospitalisation, while the remaining 98.4% covid-19 patient Treatment is going on in home isolation.
Although Rajasthan is witnessing a rapid jump in new infections every day, the number of hospitalized patients has not increased much.
However, there has been a slight increase in the number of patients admitted to the hospital in Jaipur. At present 333 patients are undergoing treatment for Kovid-19 in hospitals, about 10 days ago 151 were in hospitals,
However, there is cause for concern that Admission to ICU have also increased. Around ten days back, only 50 Covid-19 patients were undergoing treatment in ICU, but now the number has increased to 122.
About 37% of COVID-19 patients are being treated in ICU, requiring high flow oxygen or requiring intensive care for the severity of the illness.
In the last 10 days, there has been an increase of 59 per cent in wards admissions, while there has been a 144 per cent increase in ICU admissions. But, if it is translated into figures, the jump is insignificant considering the pace at which the active cases have increased in the city over the past few days.
A health department official said, “Since more than 98 per cent patients are being treated in home isolation, we have strengthened our facilities for door-to-door supply of medicines through bike ambulances. Also, patients living in home isolation can contact doctors and seek medical advice by calling the 181 helpline.
At present, the number of beds available for covid-19 treatment 3,663 and the occupancy is just 333, which is about 4% of the total beds available for COVID-19 treatment in the city.
There are 2,270 oxygen beds available for COVID-19 patients in hospitals, but only 50 of them are occupied.
