On the train to Kyiv, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson addresses the ‘iron people’ of Ukraine. watch

Boris Johnson, Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine, Kyiv, British PM Boris Johnson, train, train to Kyiv, ru
Image Source: SkyNews/AP

(Image left) – Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, right, and Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson walk for the Memorial of the Late Hundred in Kyiv, Ukraine

According to reports, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had reached war-torn Ukraine by a train. In a video that surfaced online, the British prime minister addressed the country’s ‘iron people’. Video footage released on Sunday showed Johnson expressing solidarity with employees of Ukraine’s state railway company.

“I gather you’re called ‘iron people,’ iron men and women because that’s the trade, the industry you work in. But I think it also reflects the spirit you’re showing. And also reflects the spirit of Ukraine. Standing for the horrific aggression we are seeing,” Johnson said.

Johnson on Friday offered his condolences to the victims of the horrific strike at a train station in Kramatorsk that killed at least 52 people.

Johnson traveled to Ukraine on Saturday to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky, becoming the latest of several European rulers to meet with the Ukrainian leader in Kyiv.

Read also | UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets Zelensky in Kyiv amid Russia-Ukraine tensions

(extra input from AP)

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