On October 7, Hamas turned a music festival to chaos and death

On October 7, the once vibrant Supernova music festival resulted in 346 people murdered by Hamas, with dozens kidnapped and taken into the heart of Gaza as hostages.

The published documentation captures the frantic escape of partygoers and their unexpected confrontation with Hamas terrorists at Kibbutz Alumim.

The party area in Re’im after the massacre (Credit: Yotam Ronen)

Palestinian Authority accuses Israel of Re’im massacre

Accusations flew as the Palestinian Authority’s Foreign Ministry pointed fingers at Israel for the massacre in the South on October 7. Haaretz reported statements from a police official suggesting that an IDF helicopter, targeting Hamas terrorists, inadvertently hit some of the civilian partygoers.

Responding to the Palestinian Authority’s claims, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the accusations, stating, “The Palestinian Authority Foreign Ministry’s announcement today is shocking – denying that Hamas orchestrated the terrible massacre in Re’im and placing blame on Israel. Holocaust denier [Mahmoud Abbas] is now also denying the Hamas-ISIS massacre.”

Recently, party organizers Omri Sassi and Nimrod Arnin spoke to the media, breaking their silence since the tragedy. In their first public statement, they expressed, “We experienced something beyond our control. Our love for the country persists. We will return to dance, and that will be our victory.”

The Jerusalem Post and OneFamily are working together to help support the victims of the Hamas massacre and the soldiers of Israel who have been drafted to ensure that it never happens again.


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