On 41st birthday, American singer Christina Aguilera raises the temperature with topless pics

American singer Christina Aguilera celebrated her 41st birthday on 18 December. And during this time, the singer also shared some bold pictures on her Instagram handle. In a series of photos, Christina posed topless, with her hands and hair covering her upper body. Needless to say, the pictures have grabbed everyone’s attention.

While her fans are in awe of the fit and bold avatar of their favorite star, many are also dropping fire emojis on the post. In the pictures, Christina is wearing black leather arm warmers in her hands and is also wearing black sunglasses. The singer has covered the front part of her body with her hands and hair. Apart from this, it is also his expressions that fans are praising.

One user wrote in the comment, “Happy Birthday Queen of the Universe!!!”, while another wrote, “Surprise us with a Udaya album!!”. A third user commented, “I would like to look like you at 41… nvm I am 16 and I still want to look like you”.

Many users simply wished their favorite singer a happy birthday, while some wrote long messages to express their feelings. Christina’s fans have left no stone unturned to praise and hype her in the comment section.

The pictures posted two days ago have got more than two lakh likes so far. Sharing the pictures, he wrote in the caption “XTINA XLI” which is his nickname. Earlier, Christina also shared some pictures on her birthday. The singer is known to raise serious issues in her songs which usually become a topic of discussion.

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