Omicron version: Effectiveness of vaccines needs to be evaluated ‘critically’, says AIIMS chief

New Delhi: Dr Randeep Guleria, head of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, has said that there is a need to critically evaluate the efficacy of vaccines against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, reported PTI.

Dr Guleria said, “The new Omicron version of the coronavirus has more than 30 mutations in the spike protein region, giving it the potential to develop an immunosuppressant mechanism.”

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In such a scenario, there is a need to “critically” evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines, including those in use in India.

Dr Guleria said that the future course of action would depend on further data which would come in future regarding its communicability, virulence and immunization.

The Indian SARS-CoV-2 genomic consortia INSACOG is closely monitoring the new version B. of COVID-19, officials said. He further added that the presence of the new variant in the country is yet to be ascertained.

Dr Guleria said that in the region within the country where there has been a sudden increase in cases, it is very important for travelers coming from other countries to be vigilant and adopt aggressive surveillance.

“Furthermore, we must ask everyone to follow Coivd-appropriate behavior religiously and not let our guard down. Also, ensure that people get both doses of the vaccine and those who have not yet They should be encouraged to come forward to take the jab,” he said.

The Omicron version of the coronavirus was reported by South Africa to the World Health Organization on 24 November. This type has been detected in Botswana, Belgium, Hong Kong, Israel and other countries. The WHO has designated this as a ‘type of concern’.

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