Omicron Variants: 5 Tips to Boost Your Immune System

India suffered a massive setback during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, it is clear that the latest version called Omicron, which is reportedly highly contagious, has people fearing that it could face the much-anticipated third wave. Third wave or not, it is important that we all continue to follow the COVID-19 protocols to ensure that the spread of the virus is limited.

Wearing a mask and using a sanitizer is essential, but also preparing your body and immune system to fight the virus. In such a case, short-term immunity boosters will not help. It is best that you make changes in your lifestyle, follow healthy habits and incorporate the right kind of foods on a long-term basis. People should understand that strengthening immunity is not a one day or one week effort but it is a lifelong commitment.

Here are some tips to boost your immunity:

eat nutritious food

The pandemic has taught us that no supplement will cure or prevent disease. Boosting one’s immunity is one of the essential things that one must follow. Antioxidant-rich foods like broccoli, kale, strawberries, pecans, blueberries, spinach, walnuts, green tea, and others will not only combat inflammation but also treat volatile compounds. Include immunity boosters like Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Giloy in your daily diet.

keep yourself hydrated

Water plays an important role in the functioning of the body, including the immune system. A fluid in the circulatory system, known as lymph, carries infection-fighting immune cells around the body. It is largely made up of water, and when the body becomes dehydrated, its movement slows down, sometimes leading to an impaired immune system.

release stress

Stress attracts many diseases, so it is important to release it in order to manage it. Practicing mindful breathing and meditation on a regular basis are two ways to de-stress. The increased level of stress can disrupt the body’s natural defense mechanism.

exercise regularly

Physical activity is an important part of staying healthy and supporting a healthy immune system. Regular exercise can improve immune function by increasing overall circulation, making it easier for immune cells and other molecules to travel more easily throughout your body.

regular health check-up

Regular health checkups keep you up to date on the levels of vitamin D, calcium, iron and other important nutrients in your body. It helps in tracking a disease at an early stage, which makes treatment easier. Remember when it comes to your health, ignorance is ‘no’ bliss.

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