Omicron boom: Section 144 imposed in Mumbai till January 7, ban on New Year’s celebrations

Mumbai: Mumbai Police on Thursday (December 30) imposed Section 144 in Mumbai till January 7, 2022, amid the rapidly increasing Omicron cases of coronavirus.

The curbs are being put in place to restrict large gatherings of people and large gatherings, parties during the New Year celebrations.

“The order shall come into force with effect from 00:00 hrs of 30 December 2021 in the areas under the control of the Commissioner of Police, Greater Mumbai and shall remain in force till 24:00 hrs of 7 January 2022, unless withdrawn earlier,” the order reads.

“Any person contravening this order shall be punishable under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code 1860 in addition to the penal provision under the Epidemic Diseases Act 1897 and the National Disaster Management Act 2005 and other legal provisions.” The order reads further.

Under the new orders, parties in any closed or open space, including restaurants, hotels, bars, pubs, resorts and clubs, will be banned from December 30 to January 7.

Maharashtra, which was the worst COVID-hit-state during the first and second deadly wave of the coronavirus, has reported over 252 cases of omicron, the second highest in the country, and as part of the New Year celebrations. In view of this, measures have been announced.

Meanwhile, the total COVID-19 case count in the state touched 3,900 with an increase of 1,728 in the daily toll from a day earlier, the state health department said even as Health Minister Rajesh Tope expressed concern over the spiral number and termed it as “dangerous”. ,

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