Omicron: 21 Omicron cases in FBD, most ‘no contacts of international travellers’ | Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurugram: New cases of Kovid-19 in India Faridabad It rose from 141 on Tuesday to 259 on Wednesday. The number of active cases rose to 826. Hospitalizations also increased from seven on Tuesday to 28 on Wednesday.
Health department officials said that four of the 28 patients are in ICU as one of them has asthma, one has liver disease and two has heart disease. The positivity increased to 7.1% on Wednesday, from 3.9% on Tuesday.
“We are expecting the daily infections to cross the 1,000 mark within a week. We have reserved 3,639 beds for COVID patients, out of which 299 are ventilator beds and 890 are ICU beds. We also have 21 Covid care centres, including converted schools and community centres, where beds will be provided for Covid patients, if needed,” Dr. RambhagatDeputy Civil Surgeon, Faridabad.
Meanwhile, the city confirmed 21 cases omicron A total of 29 cases of variant omicron have been reported on Wednesday, out of which 20 are active patients, all of whom are in home isolation. “Most of the Omicron-infected patients reported on Wednesday are family members. They are not direct contacts of international travelers. We still cannot say if it is in the community,” said a senior health department official. Officials said 30,378 people, including people in the 15-17 group, were vaccinated in Faridabad on Wednesday. As of January 5th, the number of confirmed cases of Omicron Haryana is at 106.
