oh sweetie! Former minister Madan Mitra in yellow dhoti, bare body, sunglasses

He is the MLA of Kamarhati. Former Minister of State. He is Madan Mitra. And there are some colorful moments associated with his name. He is always caught in a new avatar. His fans said so. Those fans showed some very fancy pictures of Madan Mitra this time. Madan Mitra’s body is completely empty in that film. Wearing a yellow dhoti. Sunglasses on the eyes. It is not that there is strong sunlight on the head. He is sitting on the chair.

No, this is not the end. Madan Mitra is not just sitting on a chair. He is showing biceps like a body builder. Fans are very happy to see this picture of Madan Mitra’s naked body wearing a yellow dhoti. Many people say that the Guru has broken it. These pictures are also viral on the net. Actually, this picture was posted by Madal Mitra Fan Club. In short, Madan Mitra FC. Fans posted a picture of ‘Guru’ and wrote, ‘No caption, just say, oh dear.’ Then three consecutive love signs.

Although some fans say that there are pictures of Madan Mitra in different poses. However, photographs of the smiling face of the MLA in a completely naked body are practically rare. The album has garnered enough accolades from many people. However, many people have again claimed that such a picture of the MLA is indecent. Although even before this, the former minister was caught among the fans in a very colorful outfit. Sometimes he was seen in royal attire and sometimes the stars took selfies around him. But aside from all the criticism, the fans are saying that the color of Alta Gai in milk is Madananda Ever Young.


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