Oh God! Zomato’s online food bill is much higher than offline

New Delhi: A LinkedIn user compared online and offline restaurant order bills and discovered a startling price disparity between the two. Performance Marketing Manager Rahul Kabra posted two pictures of the same food order but with different prices. According to the LinkedIn post, the order includes Vegetable Black Pepper Sauce, Vegetable Fried Rice and Mushroom Momos.

The total charge for offline orders was Rs 512, which included CGST and SGST. At the same time, the charge of Zomato was Rs 689.90. (After applying discount of Rs.75). Read more: What an example of humility! Twitter CEO seen serving coffee to employees in London office

According to a LinkedIn user, Zomato charged 34.76 per cent more (Rs 178) on that order. Read more: Highest 28% GST to continue on luxury, sin items: Revenue Secretary

“I believe there is a need to limit this cost escalation, which should be implemented by the government so that it is a win-win for all stakeholders,” Kabra said.

He further added, “All start-ups struggle with customer acquisition cost. Customer retention is the key to increasing customer lifetime value. Zomato is constantly on my mind as a result of its omnichannel promotions! However, for a uniquely value-driven Indian customer As such, I will always conduct a price for the benefit of a comparative study as a result of any higher pricing”.

The post has gone viral with over 7,600 reactions and nearly 1,000 comments.

zomato post

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Several LinkedIn users shared their stories of how food aggregators had such wide price disparities. A user shared his Swiggy experience. A user named Nikesh Jain said, “Swiggy showed the price as 120 plus delivery charge. I was going to the restaurant, so I decided to take it there. Surprisingly, the same thali was given for Rs 99. Swiggy would have had. For the same meal I was charged around Rs 140, which was an extra 40%. I believe the aggregation industry needs a lot of strategic rethinking. I honestly don’t blame them as they There is a need to generate cash and become profitable, but I fear this approach will backfire”.

Another user commented, “LP is not fixed by Zomato. Restaurants are the exception. They also charge higher prices as Zomato “charges 25% commission on them.”

“Ever since Zomato was listed, the prices of things have gone up as the price of similar items are now 30-40% higher, and we give it a go to save time. So, if you value your time “If the cost of a restaurant visit to pick up is up (gas prices have risen significantly), and less hassle than the extra cost you’re incurring, it makes sense not to use these applications,” said one user. commented.