Odisha: Odisha government saved the accused in Mamita murder case, says BJP. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: BJP National General Secretary and Orissa In-charge D Purandeshwari on Wednesday accused the Naveen Patnaik government of shielding the culprits of the Kalahandi school teacher’s murder. Maa Mehr,
“Heinous crime will not be acceptable in any civil society. Instead of taking strict action, the government is giving shelter to criminals,” Purandeshwari told a press conference in Bargarh, about 350 km from here.
Two days after sharing the stage with Naveen, Minister of State for Home Dibya Shankar Mishra, who is in the eyes of the opposition for his alleged links to murder accused Gobind Sahu, at a public meeting in Kalahandi, the BJP leader said, “Prime Minister K. The move shows that the government is not ready to take action against the accused. The minister should be sacked immediately.”
BJD reminds him about PM Narendra ModiAdvice not to politicize crimes against women. Responding to Purandeswari’s allegations, BJD spokesperson Shrimayi Mishra termed it unfortunate that the Odisha BJP in-charge was politicizing the heinous crime against a woman when the Prime Minister Modi Appealed not to politicize crimes against women.
“We hope she will ask the BJP leaders of Odisha to stop politicizing this heinous crime and honor the request made by the victim’s father to avoid character assassination of his daughter. She would be well aware that others Several sensational cases of crimes against women have been reported in BJP-ruled states such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and even Delhi (where the police is under the Union Home Ministry), which has led to an uproar both nationally and internationally. In such cases, the BJP had always claimed that such crimes should not be politicised,” Srimayi said.
BJP workers staged protests in different parts of the state. Meanwhile, Congress workers threw eggs at Sports Minister Tusharkanti Behera’s car in Kalahandi and demanded the removal of Mishra from the Council of Ministers.
