Odisha: Government relaxes three cities to celebrate Independence Day, notification issued


The Chief Secretary of the state issued a notification saying that the weekly shutdown imposed in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Puri will be relaxed till 11 am on August 15, although the government has also issued guidelines for hoisting the flag.

Coronavirus Research
– Photo: PTI

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In view of the third wave of corona virus, along with the central government, the governments of the states are also alert. In this sequence, the Odisha government has relaxed the weekly bandh in three cities for a few hours on next Sunday to celebrate Independence Day.

In order to enable citizens to hoist the national flag in their premises, the Chief Secretary of the state issued a notification saying that the weekly shutdown imposed in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Puri will be relaxed till 11 am on August 15.

However, the government has also issued a guideline regarding hoisting the flag. The notification said that not more than ten people would be allowed to gather at any place to participate in the Independence Day celebrations in the three cities. Citizens will have to strictly follow the corona protocol.

In other places also, citizens will hoist the tricolor in their premises, during which there will be a ban on the gathering of more than 20 people at one place. Also, people will have to follow the guidelines of Corona.

The state and district level functions for hoisting the national flag will be organized as per the guidelines issued by the state home department. Government offices with more than 10 employees in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Puri towns and with more than 20 employees in other places of the state cannot celebrate Independence Day.

Last month, there was an increase in corona cases in Odisha, due to which the government had imposed some restrictions here. After this, there was a decrease in corona cases, then the government lifted some restrictions from August 1. But still night curfew is in force across the state from 8 pm to 6 am.

While exemption is being given only for celebrating Independence Day in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Puri, in these cities also the weekly closure will continue till September 1.


In view of the third wave of corona virus, along with the central government, the governments of the states are also alert. In this sequence, the Odisha government has relaxed the weekly bandh in three cities for a few hours on next Sunday to celebrate Independence Day.

In order to enable citizens to hoist the national flag in their premises, the Chief Secretary of the state issued a notification saying that the weekly shutdown imposed in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Puri will be relaxed till 11 am on August 15.

However, the government has also issued a guideline regarding hoisting the flag. The notification said that not more than ten people would be allowed to gather at any place to participate in the Independence Day celebrations in the three cities. Citizens will have to strictly follow the corona protocol.

In other places also, citizens will hoist the tricolor in their premises, during which there will be a ban on the gathering of more than 20 people at one place. Also, people will have to follow the guidelines of Corona.

The state and district level functions for hoisting the national flag will be organized as per the guidelines issued by the state home department. Government offices with more than 10 employees in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Puri towns and with more than 20 employees in other places of the state cannot celebrate Independence Day.

Last month, there was an increase in corona cases in Odisha, due to which the government had imposed some restrictions here. After this, there was a decrease in corona cases, then the government lifted some restrictions from August 1. But still night curfew is in force across the state from 8 pm to 6 am.

While exemption is being given only for celebrating Independence Day in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Puri, in these cities also the weekly closure will continue till September 1.


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