Odisha government closes proceedings against IPS officer. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha government has closed the disciplinary proceedings initiated against IPS officer Satish Gajbhiye in 2015. anti naxal operation For some cops in 2008 when he was serving as the SP of Malkangiri.
The government has dropped the charges against him Supreme courtInstructions a few days ago The 2002 batch IPS officer is still an SP-rank officer who is currently serving as the Principal of Urban Police and Traffic Training Institute in Bhubaneswar, though he would have been promoted to the rank of IG by now.
It was a protracted legal battle for Gajbhiye in various courts before getting relief from the apex court. Chronologically, the government initiated proceedings against him in November 2015, after some constables alleged that he had misappropriated Rs 3.55 lakh, which was to be disbursed in June 2008 for a successful anti-Naxal operation in Malkangiri .
Gajabhiye challenged the proceedings Central Administrative Tribunal, But on August 10, 2018, when CAT rejected his petition, he got a setback. The officer moved the Orissa High Court to quash the proceedings against him. To their relief, the High Court on December 8, 2020 quashed the proceedings against them and ordered the government to retrospectively process all promotions and benefits to the officer within a month.
The state government moved the Supreme Court and filed a special leave petition challenging the HC order. The Supreme Court on October 6 this year quashed the government’s SLP and upheld the high court’s earlier decision.
“In compliance with the order of the Supreme Court, it is pleased to close the disciplinary proceedings against the Government Gajbhiye SK Ishwardas,” read the order of the state home department issued on December 14.
Gajbhiye declined to comment. After 2015, his promotion was stopped by the state government after being embroiled in several controversies. The government first started action against Gajbhiye for the problem of law and order. kendrapada During his tenure as SP in August 2015. On August 13, 2015, the state government suspended Gajbhiye in the wake of mob violence at Kendrapara. On August 7, 2015, a crowd had gathered outside the ashram of spiritual leader Sarathi Baba, demanding action for the Baba’s alleged immoral acts.
In the second proceeding, it was alleged that he and his wife had allegedly encroached upon government land in Gop block of Puri district. Then a vigilance inquiry was ordered into the matter. Not doing any wrong against him, the government later closed two proceedings against him.
