Odisha: Couple sentenced to 20 years for raping minor girl Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Keonjhar: Additional Sessions and Special Judge Subhashree Tripathi Two men were on Monday sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined Rs 50,000 each for raping a minor girl in 2018.
The guilty couple – Kalia Lohar and Abhinash Laguri – forcibly took the victim to the tipper from near her house and took her to Palasa forest under Bamebari police station at around 6.30 pm on March 25, 2018. After this both of them raped the girl in the forest.
After carrying out the crime, the victim was dropped near Bill Gate Chowk (Khandabandh). After this, the victim went home with her friend and lodged a complaint the next day at the Bamebari police station. Soon after, the accused were arrested and produced in the court.
(The identity of the victim is not disclosed to protect her privacy as per Supreme Court directions on matters related to sexual harassment)