Nvidia attacker lapses $190GB of Samsung data, Galaxy source code

New Delhi: A hacking group called Lapsus$ has claimed responsibility for attacking South Korean tech giant Samsung. The same group previously targeted Nvidia and reportedly shared screenshots showing about 200GB of stolen data, including the source code used by Samsung for encryption and the biometric unlocking function on the Galaxy line of hardware , the media has reported.

The South Korean tech major has neither confirmed nor denied the hackers’ identities and has not commented on whether encryption and biometrics were stolen. However, Samsung noted that no personal data relating to employees or customers has been compromised. According to the company, cyber security measures have been taken to prevent further attacks.

“There was a security breach involving some of the company’s internal data,” Samsung was quoted as saying in a statement by Bloomberg news agency.

“According to our preliminary analysis, the breach includes some source code related to the operation of Galaxy devices, but does not include personal information from our consumers or employees. Currently, we do not anticipate any impact on our business or customers. We have implemented measures to prevent further such incidents and will continue to serve our customers without any disruption.”

On Saturday, South American hacking group Lapsus$ claimed that it successfully hacked the tech giant’s system and obtained confidential data, including various source code related to authentication features. Earlier, in its attack on Nvidia, hacking group Lapsus$ tried to blackmail the company and threatened to leak data online unless the company removed cryptocurrency mining limits from certain GPUs and drivers for these video cards. does not make it open source.