Nutrient deficiencies can cause nerve problems. Here’s how you take care of it

Nutrition is essential for our physical and mental development and this is the primary reason why experts always recommend a good diet. Our current lifestyle, at times, does not allow us to have a good and balanced diet, and this can lead to many physical and mental problems. Sometimes it happens that the body is functioning properly, but the lack of nutrients in our diet shows effect in the long run.

Very few people know that lack of nutrients can also cause problems to our nerves.

The nervous system is an incredibly important part of our body. It is so important that we cannot even move without it. Our nerves connect one part of the body to another, hence controlling the movements of our body. A recent survey conducted in 12 cities of India revealed that 60% of the people are not aware of their nervous health.

Dr Satish Khadilkar, head of the department of neurology at Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Science, said that among other reasons, vitamin B deficiency leads to nerve-related problems. Neurotropic-B vitamins play an important role in keeping nerves healthy.

Vitamin B12 is developed within the body, but the problem is that some people don’t get the necessary diet for it. And this is what causes vitamin B12 deficiency more than any other vitamin. The elderly are most deficient in vitamin B12 which then restricts their activities. The study further found that people cannot even differentiate between nerves and blood vessels.

Only 38% of people know that they are different. According to the survey, 73% people consider vegetables to be the right food for vitamin B12 while 69% consider fruits to be the right way to overcome deficiency. However, both the assumptions are wrong. Vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish, eggs, fortified cereals, low-fat milk, ‘chunch’ and cheese. These things help in maintaining nerve health.

Disclaimer – (The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and common sense. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following these at home.)

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