Now panic due to Neokov variant: Wuhan scientists’ big claim – 1 out of every 3 patients will die due to this infection, the. New variant found in Africa

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • China Coronavirus New Version NeoCov Update; Wuhan scientists on COVID death and infection

4 minutes ago

After Omicron, now the new variant of Corona, Neokov, has raised the concern of the world. The scientists of Wuhan have made a big claim about this. They say that a new type of corona variant Neokov has been found in South Africa. Both its infection and death rate are very high. It can kill one out of every three patients. Let us tell you that Wuhan is the same city from where the corona epidemic spread in 2020.

According to Russian news agency Sputnik, this variant is not new. This corona variant is associated with the Mars Cove virus. Its patients were first found in West Asian countries in 2012 and 2015. This Neokov variant has just been seen inside bats in South Africa. Previously seen only in animals.

According to research published on the bioRxiv website, Neokov and his close ally PDF-2180-CoV can infect humans. According to researchers from Wuhan University and the China Academy of Sciences, only one mutation is needed for this new corona virus to infect human cells. Research has said that in the Neokov variant, more patients can die in the same way as MERS.

A few days ago there was panic sub-strain BA.2
Now a rapidly spreading new sub-strain (BA.2) of Omicron has put the world to sleep. Omicron’s sub-variant is also at greater risk because even RT-PCR tests are unable to detect it.
So far, this new sub-variant has knocked in 40 countries of the world including India and it is believed that this variant can spread very fast to other countries of the world as well.

What are mutations and variants?
Mutations are changes in the basic genomic structure of the virus. These changes only give a new form to the virus, which is called a variant.

How many variants has WHO declared of concern and interest so far?
The WHO keeps on adding and subtracting variants by category of interest and concern by reviewing it from time to time. Before changing the category of a variant, the technical advisory group does a detailed analysis of it. The decision to change the category of the variant is taken only after the recommendations of the group.

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