Now Octane-100 petrol will also be sold in Kanpur: Price will be up to Rs 145 per liter, the first consignment of 16 thousand liters arrived; You will be surprised to know its features

Kanpur11 hours ago

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The price of Octane-100 petrol in Kanpur will be Rs 145 per liter of petrol. Preparations have started for its sale. The first consignment of 16 thousand liters has reached Kanpur. It will be sold at select petrol pumps only. Only people who are fond of luxury cars prefer to buy this oil. That is why, preparations have been made to sell it in the petrol pumps of posh areas. Due to this the maintenance, average and pickup of the vehicle is good.
Will be available at Harsh Nagar Petrol Pump
Indian Oil has started selling Octane-100 petrol in the city. This will be available at a petrol pump located at Harsh Nagar in Kanpur. Petrol pump owner Inder Poddar said that the weight-measurement department is doing the calibration of the machine, due to which people will start getting petrol after a day or two. Let us tell you that it is being used in 6 countries including Germany, USA. After Noida and Agra in UP, its sale is being started in Kanpur.
Very expensive because…
On one hand, while the prices of petrol and diesel have created a ruckus, it remains to be seen how much people will buy such expensive petrol. One thing is certain that Octane-100 petrol is completely pure. This is an ultra modern and ultra premium product. Due to its standard being BS-6, there is no fear of spreading pollution. It is being produced at Mathura Refinery.

Price difference by octane number
Classified by the octane number present in petrol. This means that the octane number of premium petrol is slightly higher than that of normal petrol. Usually, the octane number of normal petrol is between 87 and 89, while that of premium petrol is between 91 and 93. Due to the high octane number, its price varies from 3 to 5 rupees. But in Octane-100 petrol the amount of octane number is 100. That’s why its price is also the highest.
Now 2 types of petrol are available at the pump
At present, only 2 types of petrol are available at the pump. One is plain petrol and the other is power fuel. Every petroleum company has kept different names of power fuels. It is named Power by Hindustan Petroleum, Speed ​​by Bharat Petroleum and Extrapremium by Indian Oil. The cost of power fuel is also more than normal petrol.
Perfect for high cc vehicles
Auto Expert Mr. Imran said that the fuel with high octane number is suitable for those vehicles, which have high compression system and those vehicles which are imported. Its biggest advantage is that it reduces engine-knocking and detonating in the engine. Let us tell you that of course Power Petrol is considered best for those with high cc engines. Normal CC bikes and normal petrol can be used on normal days.

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