Now Dragon Siege: This month the German warship will reach Mumbai, along with India in the Indo-Pacific, now France will also take out China’s arrogance

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  • German warship will reach Mumbai this month along with India in Indo Pacific, now France will also take out China’s arrogance

Mumbai/Berlin4 hours ago

The world is beginning to unite to end China’s grandeur at sea. After the South China Sea, now the strategy of reply to China in the Indo-Pacific region is being worked rapidly. Under this, India, France and Germany joined hands last year. Now Germany’s latest warship Bayern is reaching Mumbai on 21 January. After this, France is also going to send its warship to India. Overall, this is a clear message to China that its move to establish unilateral dominance in the sea will not be allowed to succeed.

International rules will follow
According to a report in ‘Times of India’, last year after America, Germany and France had also made it clear that whether Indo-Pacific or South China Sea, trade and other operations would take place only under international rules.

An example of how China is being controlled is the strategy of Germany and France. For the first time in 20 years, Germany sent the same Bayern warship to the South China Sea, regardless of China. France has also announced that it too will follow the path of Germany.

This German warship is considered one of the best warships in the world.  (file)

This German warship is considered one of the best warships in the world. (file)

Why is it important to come to Bayern?
Corona cases are increasing once again in India. According to sources, when Bayern is in Mumbai, then a decision will be taken according to the situation. It is possible that people can see it virtually. In August last year also, Germany sent it for patrolling in the Indo-Pacific. When it reached Shanghai Port of China in September, China did not allow it to stay there.

A special thing in this case is that China and Germany have strong trade relations, but they are still challenging China’s dominance in the sea. This simply means that the two powerful countries of Europe, France and Germany, will not allow China’s grandeur in the matters of C-trade.

Germany’s blunt
Bayern was in Singapore last month. China was very angry with this. Then the Navy Chief of Germany, Vice Admiral Echin Kobach, had said – this is a clear message to China that any illegal and domineering conspiracy at sea will not be allowed to succeed. China’s claims will not be accepted. Bayern’s coming here is just a glimpse. However, we have not yet entered Taiwan’s maritime border.

The German government had said in a statement – ​​Efforts are being made to spoil the supply chain of business in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. It will also have serious effects on Germany and Europe.

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