Novak Djokovic begins dramatic court battle to stay in Australia. Tennis News – Times of India

Melbourne: Number one in the world of tennis Novak Djokovik Started a make-or-break court battle on Monday to stay in Melbourne and defend himself Australian Open The headline, arguing that he was due to a positive coronavirus test in December, is entirely clear.
Djokovic’s battle to have his visa abruptly revoked and his ensuing detention at a notorious Melbourne immigration facility culminated in a highly publicized online hearing in federal court.
The vaccine-skeptical Serbian star awaits the showdown at the former Park Hotel, a five-story facility in which around 32 migrants were stranded AustraliaKey hardline immigration system – for a few years.

No one is allowed in or out except the staff.
On Sunday, more than 100 protesters, many of whom were migrant rights activists, gathered in a park opposite the centre.
“Free, free, refugee,” shouted the crowd as dozens of police stood.

With a week before the Australian Open’s January 17 start, any delay could sabotage the 34-year-old’s hopes of winning her 10th crown in Melbourne, and a record 21st title. Grand Slam Title.
In an order released to the public on Sunday, Judge Anthony Kelly said the one-day case would be scheduled for 10:00 a.m. Monday (2300 GMT on Sunday), denying a government request to adjourn until Wednesday.
Djokovic’s lawyers presented a 35-page document on Saturday, arguing that his visa had been wrongly revoked and that he should be reinstated, allowing him to compete.

The team argued that Djokovic’s claim of a positive PCR test on 16 December 2021 meant he met the criteria for vaccine exemption under the guidance of Australia’s vaccination advisory body.
But public prosecutors rejected their arguments point-by-point and urged the judge to dismiss the case with cost.
Djokovic has not been vaccinated and poses a threat to people and the health system in Australia, he said in a 13-page document filed in court on Sunday.
player’s lawyer says Tennis Australia His recent infection cleared him to play in the tournament, adding that his vaccine application had been approved by two independent medical panels.
But Australia’s vaccination exemption form clearly states that previous infection “is not a contraindication to vaccination”, government lawyers insisted.
And “there is no such thing as assurance of entry by a non-citizen in Australia,” he said.
Foreigners are still mostly banned from traveling to Australia, and those admitted must be fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption.
Despite claims that Djokovic tested positive on 16 December, photos shared by the Belgrade Tennis Federation showed him at a youth players’ event in the city on 17 December.
It was reported that he had handed over cups and prizes to the players. No one was wearing a mask.
Djokovic also attended a gathering on 16 December, when the Serbian National Postal Service launched a postage stamp series in his honor.
“Thank you to my generous country for this rare gift! I am humble!!” He said on Instagram at the time.
Tennis Ace’s lawyers argued that he faced “unfair process”, claiming that Australian border agents did not give him time to rest and consult lawyers.
But the government rejected it, saying Djokovic had an opportunity to present his case to a border agent and had contacted his lawyers first.
His lawyers said that since being held, his pleas to move him to a facility where he can train for the Australian Open have been ignored.
The center gained notoriety last year when a fire forced the evacuation of migrants, and insects were reportedly found in the food.
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said this weekend that Serbia was completely behind the player and had “constructive talks” with Australian Foreign Minister Maris Payne.
“We managed to get him a gluten-free diet, exercise equipment, a laptop,” she told Serbia’s Pink Television.
Tennis Australia Head Craig Tilly On Sunday, his organization was shielded from criticism that it failed to warn players that past infections did not qualify them for entry without a Covid-19 vaccination.
“We’re not going to blame anyone because there’s a lot of conflicting information,” Tilly told Channel Nine, which broadcasts the Australian Open.
Another tennis player who was leading the Australian Open — Czech doubles specialist Renata Vorakova — Whether his visa was initially revoked after being allowed into the country.
She left Australia on Saturday after being held at the same Melbourne center as Djokovic.
As Australia tightened restrictions to fight an Omicron-fueled wave of infections, the state of Victoria – of which Melbourne is the capital – reported 44,155 cases on Sunday.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison Defending the cancellation of Djokovic’s visa, he said: “The rules are the rules.”
The federal judge hearing Djokovic’s case warned his lawyers in a hearing on Thursday that justice would proceed at its own pace through all necessary appeals.
“The tail won’t wag the dog here,” he said.
