‘Not the only one who missed the bus’: Gujarat CM frontline, Nitin Patel on being ‘miffed’

Hours after the ruling BJP elected a new chief minister for Gujarat, Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel said he had seen many ups and downs, adding that no one can “take him out” as he lives in people’s hearts. .

Addressing people during a function in Mehsana city on Sunday evening, Patel also said in a light-hearted manner that he was not the only one who got off the bus as there were “many others” like him.

There was speculation that he was unhappy after Bhupendra Patel was elected as the next chief minister at a meeting of BJP MLAs at party headquarters “Kamalam” in Gandhinagar on Sunday, a day after Vijay Rupani resigned from the top post.

Earlier, Nitin Patel, who represented the Mehsana assembly constituency, was seen as one of the top contenders for the post.

Patel, however, said such claims have no merit. He said that on Sunday he had left the party office only after taking permission from BJP’s Gujarat in-charge Bhupendra Yadav.

Patel was not there when outgoing Chief Minister Vijay Rupani was with Bhupendra Patel when the latter went to meet Governor Acharya Devvrat to stake claim to form the government.

“There were many others who missed the bus. I was not alone. So don’t look at this development that way. It is the party that takes the decision. People make wrong assumptions. I told Yadav ji (after the MLA’s meeting) that I have to attend this program. I myself would have given it a pass if it was not of such importance. But since it was very important, even Yadav ji gave his consent.”

He was addressing a gathering in Mehsana after inaugurating a road in the periphery of the city and an oxygen plant set up at the Mehsana Civil Hospital.

“When I was coming here there were many things going on on TV. I want to tell you that as long as I am in the hearts of my people, voters and party workers, no one can throw me out. I was in opposition (during the Congress rule) for a long time.”

Patel said he received “multiple threats” for his recent remarks that the Constitution and secularism will last as long as Hindus are in the majority. However, he also claimed that several “big leaders” supported him for those comments.

“I never say something that can be easily discarded. I have always acted as a shield to protect the government, officials, chief minister and state BJP president. I withstood all the attacks but never backed down. I say what’s right, even if many people don’t like it.”

There is still suspense on whether Patel will continue as Deputy Chief Minister in the next government headed by Bhupendra Patel. Both these leaders belong to the powerful and politically influential Patidar community of Gujarat.

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