Not a dargah, there is a swastika symbol in a two-and-a-half-day hut: Committee said – will take legal action, people do this for popularity

Ajmer2 minutes ago

After Gyanvapi Masjid, Ajmer Dargah claimed to be a Hindu temple. Maharana Pratap Sena had told that there are swastikas on the windows of the Dargah. The Dargah Committee claimed that there is no such mark. After this, the investigation of Dainik Bhaskar revealed that there is no such mark in the dargah. The photo shown by Pratap Sena was of a two-and-a-half (two and a half) day’s hut.

When the team reached the hut for two and a half days, a swastika like a photo appeared there. It was built on a window, but it did not find any link with the dargah. That is, the swastika about which it was claimed turned out to be false.

publicity campaign
Syed Nasruddin Chishti, son of the committee diwan, said that the dargah has been the biggest place of Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb since 800 years. Pratap Sena has done an act of hurting religious sentiments. This has been discussed. Any legal action will be taken. This is an attempt to gain popularity and we deny it.

The hut of two and a half (two and a half) days, with swastikas on its windows, while they were claimed to be in the dargah.

The hut of two and a half (two and a half) days, with swastikas on its windows, while they were claimed to be in the dargah.

Pratap Sena had demanded from the Chief Minister to conduct a survey in Ajmer Sharif Dargah.

Pratap Sena had demanded from the Chief Minister to conduct a survey in Ajmer Sharif Dargah.

it was claimed
Rajvardhan Singh Parmar, National President of Maharana Pratap Sena, had told in a letter sent to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot that Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz Dargah located in Ajmer is our ancient Hindu temple. Signs related to Swastika and other Hindu religions have been found in the walls and windows there. There is a demand of Maharana Pratap Army that the Archaeological Survey of India should conduct a survey here as well.

This was written a letter to the Chief Minister

This was written a letter to the Chief Minister

Anjuman Committee’s statement came after this claim
In this regard Wahid Hussain Angara Shah, Secretary of Anjuman Syed Jadgan Committee said that these statements did not come only today, but have been coming. It looks like such statements will keep coming. People do this to spread anarchy in the name of religion and religion. Not only Ajmer, the homes of all Sufi saints are such, where people of all religions come. We all should think for peace to prevail.

In the case of the claim of having a swastika in the dargah, the press conference in Ajmer rejected the claim.

In the case of the claim of having a swastika in the dargah, the press conference in Ajmer rejected the claim.

The people of the committee said – did not see the symbol in the dargah
After the claim of Ajmer Dargah being a Hindu temple, Haji Syed Moin Hussain Chishti, Sadar of Anjuman Syed Jadgan said that there is no truth and no basis in this claim. By raising such a question, the faith of crores of people has been questioned. Not only do Muslims come here, people of other religions also come here. Did not see this sign in Dargah and there is no connection.

On the question of the presence of a sign on the two-and-a-half-day hut, he said that no such sign was seen in the court. Now wherever it is, go and see it. He has categorically denied the claim of having a sign inside the dargah. Babar Chishti, a member of the Dargah Committee, said that such people are hurting the sentiments of crores of people. Government and administration should take action against them.

read this also-

Claim on Ajmer Sharif after Gyanvapi Masjid: Pratap Sena said- Dargah Hindu temple; Committee secretary said – this is the place of every religion

The truth of the claim of the temple in Ajmer Dargah: Swastik marks not found in the premises, which are not even forged as shown in the photo

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