No one would have written such a resignation: if someone wrote bye-bye and gave it to the boss, then someone said – I am not enjoying it.

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  • Someone wrote bye and gave it to the boss, then someone said I am not enjoying it.

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Usually, people resign and remember their good and bad experiences during the work. There is also a practice of thanking everyone and writing some formal things. After which overall the registration letter becomes of full page. But recently there have been some funny resignations. These resignations, which have been viral on social media, are giving a new style to the way of leaving the job.

‘Let’s finish’

YouTube India has shared a registration letter from its official handle. In this letter, the person who resigned has just written – ‘Let’s finish’. Responding to a comment on the same post, YouTube India said, ‘This is what happens to us.’

‘bye bye sir’

In the second resignation letter that is going viral on Twitter, the boss is simply written bye-bye. Users are very fond of it on social media. A user described this resignation as ‘short and sweet’.

‘I’m not enjoying it’

An employee named Rajesh left everyone behind in writing a funny registration letter. He resigned and wrote to the boss that ‘I am not enjoying it.’ On social media, people are telling this registration letter of a person named Rajesh as small but deep. Many people are also praising Rajesh’s frankness.


If you are also thinking of doing something stormy by looking at these registration letters. So be careful. Because in the pursuit of showing creativity, you can be at a loss. Your boss can take on the small registration letter on the ego. A user has shared his pain on Twitter. He told that a few days ago he had also resigned his boss in the same way. Due to which the boss feels bad and his old salary is not getting cleared.

Also, by writing this type of registration letter, you will not be able to talk about many other important paperwork including your experience letter. Which can cause you heavy loss.

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