‘No need to cut Punjab’: Sidhu’s power supply formula amid tussle with Amarinder

Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu said that there is no need for power cut in Punjab if we work in the right direction, amid power struggle with Chief Minister Amarinder Singh.

“Electricity cost, cut, truth of power purchase agreements and how to give free and 24 hour power to the people of Punjab :- 1. No need of power cut in Punjab or CM need to regulate office hours or AC Use of common people… if we work in right direction,” he tweeted.

The tension between Singh and Sidhu began in 2019, when Sidhu left the cabinet after changing his portfolio. However, bitterness escalated in May when the government suffered a legal setback in 2015 over police firing on a crowd protesting the sacrilege of the Sikh holy scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib.

(details awaited)

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