No dress code for college teachers: Kerala Higher Education Minister R Bindu Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: Following complaints by some college managements about insisting on dress code of their choice for teachers in higher education institutions, the higher education department issued an order clarifying that insisting on such dress code is untenable and undesirable. Is.
“The government has not prescribed any dress code for teachers in higher education institutions. Dressing style is a personal choice. As of now, there is no rule that demands a female teacher to wear only a saree on campus. Higher education minister said teachers can wear any dress of their choice, as far as it is decent and convenient R point,
He said the order was issued after receiving complaints that some college heads and managements were trying to interfere with the personal choices of teachers.
“There is no government order prescribing saree as the official dress for teachers,” the order said.
According to the minister, some college managements and some institute heads are still trying to enforce dress codes that are not in tune with the changing times. He said this happens despite the higher education department issuing clarifications time and again.
“Women Teachers in Higher Educational Institutions” Kerala You have the right to wear the dress of your choice. Attempts to exert unnecessary control over teachers in the name of old moral ideals cannot be accepted at any cost.
