No clarity on Afghan students reaching MU Mangaluru News – Times of India

Mangaluru: With Afghanistan In turmoilThere is no clarity regarding the arrival of , afghan students Those who have enrolled in undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD courses Mangaluru University (MU) this academic year. University officials said his arrival on the campus is uncertain due to the current crisis.
mu Vice Chancellor PS Yadapadithaya Said that 350 applications were received from Afghanistan in this academic year. Of these, MU had finalized 156 applications. Of these, 31 will be undergraduate, 111 post-graduate and 14 doctoral students. “We are not sure whether they will be able to reach the campus on time. Even if they do, it may be late,” Yadapadithya said.
A source who is aware of the admission of students from Afghanistan said that their arrival would be difficult in view of the prevailing situation. “With the Taliban opposing education, studies in foreign universities may be a major factor, especially in India. We will just have to wait and see,” said the source.
Sources also said that students from Afghanistan will study under the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) programme. Seven hundred candidates from Afghanistan applied to study at MU when it opened its doors to foreign students in the academic year 2014-15. This number is the highest ever from Afghanistan.
Apart from Afghanistan, MU also has students from 35 other countries including Ethiopia, Iraq and Yemen. They study under self-finance mode. MU is also building a separate hostel for foreign students.


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