Next Big ISRO Project: Send Humans 6KM Deep into the Sea

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which is known for sending satellites into space, including the manned mission Gaganyaan, is now helping to create a special zone for manned missions 6,000 meters deep in the ocean, Parliament was told on Thursday.

Under the ‘Deep Ocean Mission’ launched by the government, it is proposed to develop a manned scientific submarine for deep sea exploration and the project has been named ‘Samudrayaan’, Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences Dr. Jitendra Singh told the Rajya Sabha. a written answer.

He said the National Institute of Ocean Technology, an autonomous institute under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, had previously developed and tested a “personnel zone” for a manned submarine system for a 500-metre water depth rating.

“During October 2021 a 2.1 m diameter personnel zone to be used as a crew module up to a water depth of 500 m has been developed using mild steel in the Bay of Bengal using research vessel Sagar Nidhi and 600 meter water depth has been tested.

“A titanium alloy personnel field for manned submarine system for 6,000 m water depth rating is under development in collaboration with Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram,” he said.

India plans to send a manned mission to space and the ocean floor at the same time – roughly, 2024 – setting the tone for the Deep Ocean mission with Rs 4,100 crore funding.

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