New Zealand expands vaccine mandate to 40 percent of all workers

New Zealand, New Zealand expand COVID vaccine mandate, New Zealand activists, latest international
Image source: AP/Rep (File).

New Zealand expands vaccine mandate to 40% of all workers.

New Zealand’s government said on Tuesday it would expand a vaccine mandate to include thousands of workers who have close contact with their customers – including workers at restaurants, bars, gyms and hair salons.

The changes would mean that about 40% of all New Zealand workers would need to be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus or risk losing their jobs, up from around 15% previously.

Speaking to reporters, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she did not believe the new rules were an overabundance of government power.

“This requirement means that employees and customers are treated equally and will play a big part in helping reduce the spread of the virus in the most at-risk locations,” Ardern said. .

Workers who were previously told they needed to get their shots include teachers and health care professionals.

Tuesday’s announcement comes just days after the government set a target to completely vaccinate 90% of people aged 12 and above to end the cycle of the lockdown.

Auckland, the largest city, has been under lockdown for more than two months after the Delta variant outbreak.

As part of its plan to end the lockdown, New Zealand will require people going to high-traffic businesses to show vaccine passports to prove they have taken their shots.

The conservative opposition National Party said there was no need for restrictions such as the Vaccine Passport once the vaccination targets were met.

“Some businesses will choose to require proof of vaccination. Others will not,” opposition leader Judith Collins said in a statement.

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