New variant also reached Chandigarh, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala: A total of 38 patients of Omicron, out of which 20 have recovered and gone home; None of the remaining 18 infected have serious symptoms.

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  • A total of 38 Omicron patients, of whom 20 have recovered and gone home; None of the remaining 18 infected have severe symptoms.

New Delhi10 hours ago

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The number of states with Omicron patients has gone up to 8, while those of Omicron have gone up to 38.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The number of states with Omicron patients has gone up to 8, while those of Omicron have gone up to 38.

The process of getting new patients of Omicron infection continues in the country. On Sunday, the first patients of Omicron were also found in Chandigarh, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. At the same time, one patient each increased in Maharashtra and Karnataka. In this way, the number of states with Omicron patients has gone up to 8, while the number of Omicron patients has gone up to 38. Omicron infection has been confirmed on the night of 11 December in a 20-year-old man who came to Chandigarh from Italy to meet a relative on November 22. He has received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine in Italy. He has mild symptoms.

Precautionary hospitalization for the last 11 days. At the same time, Omicron infection has been found in a 34-year-old foreigner who arrived from Ireland to Mumbai and then to Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. On being investigated in Mumbai, his report was negative. Permission was given to visit Visakhapatnam on 27 November. On testing there, the report came positive. He also has no symptoms. The report has come negative in the re-examination on December 11. Similarly, Omicron has been found in a person who returned from UK to Kerala.

Patient’s condition: no symptoms at all or mild symptoms

  • Maharashtra: After getting Omicron on Sunday in a patient who came to Nagpur from the West African country, the total number of patients has gone up to 18. 7 patients have been discharged, 11 are admitted. All had mild symptoms.
  • Rajasthan : 9 patients were admitted. Most did not have symptoms. After the report came negative, it was discharged.
  • Andhra Pradesh : The 34-year-old patient had come from Ireland. There were no symptoms. Vacation after the re-examination report came negative.
  • Delhi : Both patients had mild symptoms. 1 has been discharged.
  • Gujarat : 3 patients had mild symptoms. Till Saturday, all three were admitted in the hospital.
  • Karnataka : 2 out of 3 patients have been discharged. The 34-year-old patient who returned from South Africa is still admitted. No serious symptoms in any.
  • Chandigarh : A 20-year-old youth had returned from Italy. The young man has mild symptoms of infection. The report came negative on Sunday.

Protocol: Even if there is a negative report, the test is necessary on the 8th day
RT-PCR mandatory for travelers from at risk countries. Even if the report is negative, 7 days home quarantine is necessary. Test again on day 8. Can come and go when the report comes negative. If the report is positive at the airport, we will immediately recruit. Treatment will continue until Omicron’s confirmation. Check again on the eighth day. If the report is negative then 7 days home quarantine is necessary.

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