New trouble: Corona not gone, first case of Zika virus found in Kerala; Health Minister of Kerala gave information

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  • Corona did not go, first case of Zika virus found in Kerala; Health Minister of Kerala gave information

17 hours ago

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The symptoms of being infected with Zika are similar to those of dengue.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The symptoms of being infected with Zika are similar to those of dengue.

The country has not yet recovered from the Corona crisis that a new problem has emerged. The first case of Zika virus has been reported in Kerala. A 24-year-old pregnant woman has been found infected with a disease caused by mosquito bites. State Health Minister Veena George herself gave this information on Thursday. George said that there are 13 more suspected cases of this virus in Thiruvananthapuram.

He said the government was waiting for confirmation from the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune. The minister said that 19 samples have been sent from Thiruvananthapuram which includes 13 health workers including doctors. The infected woman was admitted to the hospital on June 28 due to fever, headache and red marks on her body.

On examination, she was found infected with Zika. She gave birth to a baby boy on July 7. George told that the woman is now healthy. He has no travel history. The symptoms of being infected with Zika are similar to those of dengue. On the other hand, the situation of corona in Kerala is also serious. Kerala is the second most infected state after Maharashtra. Up to 11 15 thousand new patients are being found daily in the state. On Thursday, 13,772 new patients were found here. There are currently 1,10,137 active corona patients in the state.

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