New Canadian human rights organization to combat anti-Semitism is launching

In response to a dramatic increase in anti-Semitism, hatred, intolerance and a global decline in human rights, a new Canadian global organization announced Wednesday that it would be launched this fall.

The founders of the Abraham Global Peace Initiative describe it as a new global voice for humanity that brings Canada’s freedom, peace and human rights to a global hotspot.

A high-profile group of Canadian and international leaders are gathering around initiatives aimed at moving the needle when it comes to combat. international anti-SemitismStanding up for Israel and advancing global human rights.

Its president, Mark Teitelbaum, is a respected community and business leader.

“Almost all of my extended family was murdered in the Holocaust,” Teitelbaum said. “I know we cannot rest on our laurels. We need new and innovative approaches to defending our freedoms. The Abraham Global Peace Initiative is truly unique in its ambition to bring together people who make the world a better place. “We are surrounding ourselves with capable leaders, a strong governance body that is taking its time to build a new world-class organization that will respect the past and preserve the future,” he said. “The world is our oyster and no matter where you are on the planet, we invite you to join us.”

Founder and President Avi Abraham Benalolo said they aim to change the human rights paradigm in Canada and around the world.

“We are going to take our time to build a solid institution and implement a long-term vision and strategy that will begin to change the global narrative,” he said. “Over the next decade, our goal is to bring Canada to the world by creating chapters everywhere, by participating and collaborating globally, educating broadly, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, [and] Implementing the momentum of the Abrahamic Peace Accords to bolster peacebuilding efforts as we strive to ensure that Canada and Israel remain strong and secure. We want to surround ourselves with only the best people.”
Avi Abraham Benalolo (Credits: Credits)Avi Abraham Benalolo (Credits: Credits)

Canadian icon Paul Godfrey will serve as the organization’s honorary president.

Canada’s Minister of Public Safety and Security Bill Blair and former Secretary of State, Minister of Justice, Attorney-General and Minister of National Defense Peter McKay are among the founders.

Other Canadian leaders involved include Leut.-Gen, one of the country’s most ornate military leaders. Charles Bouchard, who has also held leadership roles nato and NORAD; David Only, former Lieutenant Governor General of Ontario; Stockwell Day; Tim Uppal; and longtime parliament minister David Sweet.

The organization is preparing a long list of global advisors, and will release those names and many others over the next few weeks.

Actress Emmanuel Chirqui (You are Zohan. don’t mess withhandjob circlehandjob superman and lois) will become its global peace ambassador.

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