‘Never Lose Your Cool’: Bengaluru Woman Recalls Ugly Spat With Man Over Cutting Queue At Restaurant – News18

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The woman’s thread has attracted a lot of attention.
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The woman’s thread has attracted a lot of attention.
(Representative Image)

The woman said that she got into a huge fight with a man, which turned out abusive.

Basic public manners and etiquette are things that are expected of everyone, irrespective of their age or background. A Bengaluru-based young woman had one such unpleasant encounter with a middle-aged man at a restaurant. The woman, named Anushka, has shared the incident that made her angry and upset at the same time on X (formerly Twitter).

Recalling the time when she went to have food at a nearby darshini (South Indian restaurant), Anushka said that she got into a huge fight with a man, which turned out abusive. It all began when the man broke the line and stood in front of her. “Not wanting to make a scene, I simply turned to him and said, “there’s a line here” to which he snapped at me and said, ‘There’s no sign saying to make a line, you can stand in a line if you want to, and waved his hand at me,” she said, adding how this behaviour made her feel very angry.

However, determined to make the man realise his wrongful behaviour, Anushka decided to confront him. “I have a rule when it comes to public confrontations: never lose your cool, no matter what emotions are surging in your body,” she added. As she walked up to him and politely asked about his behaviour, the man ended up making a public way, even hurling abuses at a point.

“At one point, he’s shouting at me, asking me how dare I look at him and speak to him. His family (with 4 other women) asked why I irritated him and why I’m making a scene, and eventually he starts hurling profanities at me in Kannada, to which my boyfriend loses his composure and starts yelling back at him,” Anushka recalled.

Feeling “physically unsafe” in the situation, the woman eventually decided to leave the spot, only to not return to the restaurant for several weeks. However, this didn’t just end there. As Anushka decided to return to the darshini, she noticed a new sign asking customers to maintain a queue, seemingly put up by the staff after the heated argument weeks ago.

“Just posting this because it was a full-circle moment and personal W for me, but also a win for women who stand up to rude uncles in public. We should all occupy public spaces in a way that pushes us closer to a high-trust society,” the Bengaluru woman concluded.

As soon as the thread was shared, social media users couldn’t help but laud the woman for being courageous in the situation.

A user wrote, “I’m so glad you stood up for yourself and told that guy off. BTW, I am in my 60s and often have to tell people much younger than me to stand in line. So, it’s not an age thing,” while another commented, “Damn girl. You are brave.”

“You not losing your cool and still standing up to him was the best part – just goes on to show you have discipline – and a spine. The second best part was the sign, haha,” a comment read.