Netflix Tips and Tricks: How to Stop Kids from Watching Inappropriate Content

In the age of abundant information, access to content on video-streaming/OTT platforms is uninterrupted and torrential. In a scenario where an ever-increasing stream of information is filling our brains with content, it is important that we take control of our appetites, and consequently, the kind of information we are consuming.

This is more important for brains that are still shaping up to be adults. access to a wide variety of content Netflix Easier than ever. But not every material suits children’s ages. So, here comes an essential feature called parental controls.

If you’re a parent who wants to keep track of what your little ones are watching, follow these easy steps to activate the feature that will filter content and show only age-appropriate content on Netflix.

Phase 1: Open your Netflix account on a web browser. You will find all the profiles assigned to the different people who share the account.

Phase 2: Select the profile for which you want to change the viewing restrictions. Click on the arrow next to the icon.

step 3: Once done, the arrow will trigger the expansion of another menu. Scroll down to locate “Viewing Restrictions”.

step 4: Here, you’ll find options to change “Profile Maturity Rating,” “Title Restrictions,” and “Children’s Profile.” You can modify the restriction as per your needs. With the “Title Restrictions” option enabled, you can specifically exclude shows and movies that you want to remove from the profile catalog completely.

Step 5: Once you have set all the required restrictions, click “Save”.

Changes you make on the browser will be automatically reflected on the applications installed on your smartphone and television. Netflix Recently revamped its “Parental Controls” feature and offered parents to implement PIN protection on their accounts. The new changes are a result of the feedback received by the OTT platform from the parents on its customer base.

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