Netanyahu: Israel in a challenging security situation on all fronts

Israel is in the middle of a challenging security situation It is complicated on many fronts, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the heads of Gaza border communities in a call Sunday afternoon.

In the call, Netanyahu insisted the last word had not yet been said, promising local council chiefs, whose residents suffered a barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip last week, that protective infrastructure in the area would be restored. The issues will be addressed.

last weekend The whole of Israel has seen a worrying increase in the amount of terror-based crime, with 23 terror incidents reported over the weekend. Maariv informed of. This is in stark contrast to the four incidents recorded last weekend.

In addition, the IDF conducted airstrikes in damascus area Six rockets were fired in two waves towards the Golan Heights on Sunday morning, following previous waves of rockets from Lebanon and the Strip.

Israel can’t compromise on security of settlers, West Bank council heads tell Smotrich

14 heads of local councils in the Judea and Samaria region said the Israeli government should not compromise the security of Israelis in settlements in the West Bank Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich Saturday evening discussion.

Meeting between Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and the heads of the Yesha Council on April 8, 2023 (Credits: Yesha Council)

Yasha council members said, “We will not allow the safety of 500,000 residents to be compromised.” “Now the time has come Settlements in Judea and Samariaincluding taking real, immediate steps” to achieve it, he told Smotrich.

Smotrich agreed to a number of demands made by the local council chiefs, including setting up checkpoints near settlements, starting a campaign to collect stolen weapons used by terrorist organizations, and improving infrastructure and settlements. Action is involved in the construction of