Netanyahu calls for blocking pluralistic prayer service in Kotel

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared a tweet by regime leader Arya Derry on Friday morning to block a pluralistic prayer service planned at the Western Wall.

Organized by Women of the Wall, the service is scheduled for Rosh Hodesh Kislev, the first day of the new month on the Jewish calendar, as does the organization each month.

    Opposition chief Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a memorial ceremony at the Knesset, Israel's parliament, in Jerusalem on October 18, 2021, 26 years after the assassination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.  (credit: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) Opposition chief Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a memorial ceremony at the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, in Jerusalem on October 18, 2021, 26 years after the assassination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. (credit: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

In recent years, these services have been flashpoints for clashes with Haredi protesters and police, who have tried to prevent women from bringing Torah scrolls to the women’s section at the Jewish holy site.

Derry, a longtime opponent of the group, wrote on Twitter that he and his partner Haredi MK would be on the site on Friday to stop the service from moving forward. Netanyahu, who is closely associated with ultra-conservative parties, shared the tweet.

In April, Labor MK and Reform Leader Rabbi Gilead Kariv brought a Torah scroll In the Western Wall Plaza in defiance of the site’s rules. It was used by the women of the Wall at the Rosh Hodesh prayer service.
Regulations on the western wall prohibit the bringing of Torah scrolls to the site. Rabbi Samuel Rabinowitz, rabbi of the Western Wall and Sacred Sites, has prohibited women in the Wall from using Torah scrolls available to male prayer groups. As MK, Kariv Rosh Hodesh was able to bring a small Torah scroll to the prayer service. Security personnel without the Western Wall Heritage Foundation have been able to block his entry or seize him because of his parliamentary immunity.

The Women of the Wall and the Reform and Massorti (Conservative) movements in Israel have fought a decades-long battle for the rights of prayer and access to their prayer services at the site.

MK Karive carries the Torah scrolls to the Western Wall plaza(Credit: Women of the Wall)MK Karive carries the Torah scrolls to the Western Wall plaza(Credit: Women of the Wall)These organizations agreed to a settlement with the Haredi parties in 2016 whereby the southern section of the Western Wall would be upgraded and recognized by the government as an official holy site for progressive Jewish prayer, in exchange for their Will waive the prayer rights. Central West Wall Plaza. However, the Haredi side backtracked and forced Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to suspend the agreement indefinitely in 2017. A petition to the High Court of Justice demanded that the government implement the 2016 agreement, as well as a petition demanding that regulations banning the use of external Torah scrolls on the site be repealed, which the court ruled. are pending before.