NEET UG 2022 exam with more difficult, statement-based questions than last year

According to feedback from students and experts, the medical entrance exam – NEET 2022 – held on July 17, was tougher than last year. Overall, all the sections had questions that required a deep understanding of the topics. This year NTA had increased the time duration and given 20 minutes extra, however, it also increased the frequency of statement-based questions which required careful reading. In Physics section, students got questions that involved lengthy calculations.

“NEET 2022 Chemistry had eight questions, out of which six were statement-based while two were assertion-based. Last year only two questions were statement-based in chemistry,” said Saurabh Kumar, chief academic officer at Vidyamandir classes.

there was an error in chemistry

In Chemistry, there was an error, according to Anurag Tiwari, National Academic Director of Medicine at Aakash BYJU’S. “One question contained an error in the question paper” resulting in none of the options being the correct answer.

Overall, he said that most of the questions in Chemistry section were based on NCERT statements, facts and tables. Assertion Reason type questions introduced in Section A. Such questions demand deep clarity of concepts to give correct answers.

In the Zoology section, even though the questions were from NCERT books, they required more application than just memorizing the text. The academic said that Zoology can be assessed as “easy to moderate” difficulty level, with two-three questions with twisted statements, however, the exam was more time-consuming than last year.

In Physics section, students faced some mixed questions which include matching of column, assertion-type and reason-based questions. While some questions count was high, others were straight forward, making it a moderate difficulty level test.

Dr. Milind Chippalkatti, National Head – Knowledge Management, Diksha said, “The Physics papers were relatively simple and easy. However, there were some questions in Chemistry which were difficult and time consuming and questions in Biology were moderate and suggestive. All the questions were mainly from NCERT Books.

Anurag Tiwari, National Academic Director, Medical, Aakash BYJU’S said, “The Physics section was dominated by numericals, however, the number of numericals was less than last year. There was a question in physics based on the photoelectric effect with controversial language in which to stop the potential values. Comparatively tricky questions were asked in the Oscillations chapter. Comparatively tricky questions were found in Section B.

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