NCRB data: 30% rise in crimes committed by juveniles Ludhiana News – Times of India

Ludhiana: According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, there has been a 30% increase in crimes committed by juveniles in the city in 2020 as compared to 2019. The data also showed that teens who lived with their parents were more involved in crimes than those who were homeless. In addition, there were more educated people.
In 2018, 21 crimes were committed by juveniles, which increased to 28 in 2019 and 36 in 2020.
Forty-nine juveniles had committed 36 offenses in the previous year.
The data classified crimes into three categories: offenses affecting the human body, crimes against property, and miscellaneous. Under offenses affecting the human body, 12 offenses were committed by juveniles, including three murders, two attempt to murder, four injury cases, two assaults on women and one kidnapping. Under the category of offenses against property (11 FIRs), the juveniles were involved in two thefts, three thefts, three cases of receiving stolen property and three cases of preparation to commit dacoity. There were three cases of criminal trespass under miscellaneous category. Thus, a total of 26 cognizable offenses were registered.
Under the Special and Local Law (SLL) offense category, the juveniles committed 10 offences, including six under the Prevention of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act, one under unlawful activity, one under NDPS and two under other category. Huh.
According to the data, out of 59 juvenile accused who committed 36 crimes in Ludhiana, 42 lived with their parents, 10 lived with their guardians and seven were homeless. Of these, two were illiterate, one till primary, 56 between primary and matriculation.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Investigation) SPS Dhindsa said, “An environment is provided to the juveniles. If they fall into any wrong company or unfriendly environment, they indulge in crimes. Also, in the past, there were cases in which some gangs used juveniles to commit crimes like theft and dacoity.
Amritsar and Chandigarh recorded six and 50 offenses respectively by juveniles.

