Naveen Thakur of Himachal who returned from Afghanistan told Surat-e-Hal: Said – Women, children and old people dying in the stampede, Taliban are firing whenever they want; Crowds gathered outside the airport

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Naveen Thakur with his sisters and family after his return from Afghanistan - Dainik Bhaskar

Naveen Thakur with his sisters and family after his return from Afghanistan

Naveen Thakur of Sarkaghat, Himachal Pradesh, who returned home safely from Afghanistan, said that the situation there is very bad. Whatever the media of India is showing about the Taliban, it is only 5 percent. A more frightening scene has been seen there. Children, old people and women are dying on the streets. In the stampede, children are being released from the hands of women and being crushed under the feet of people.

Sharing his experience after being stranded in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, Naveen Thakur said that before coming to India, he reached the Baron Hotel in Kabul. Here a camp has been made by the British Army. Anyone who has to go inside the airport is being checked here first. Only after that it is being sent forward from here. From here to the airport is a 5 km journey.

… so his journey of 5 kilometers was like this
Naveen Thakur told that the 5 km journey took him 500 km, because Taliban fighters start appearing as soon as they leave here. He told that although the Danish Army escorted him to reach the airport, but the two and a half kilometer journey behind the airport is quite scary. Thousands of people are standing outside the airport, who want to leave from there. Taliban fighters are around them who do not want to let them go. Anytime firing starts over there and people start dying. Three to four bullets themselves came out near his ear. The Afghan people want to run away with them. But he had made such a circle, people could not come inside his circle. The situation is really bad over there.

Whites helped him a lot at the airport
Naveen Thakur told that when he reached the airport, 90 people were with him. Some people were also sick. In such a situation, the personnel of the Danish company helped him a lot. Those people used to bring food for them, apart from this, the clothes of the sick people also started being their own. He also used to wash utensils including the same broom, he stayed in the airport for 2 days.

His return from Kazakhstan
Another 90 people, including Naveen Thakur, were taken to Kazakhstan by an Indian cargo plane, although the Danish company wanted to take them with them, but refused to do so in India. They were kept there for 16 to 17 hours after being taken to Kazakhstan. After this, he was taken to Delhi in a flight from there. Here the soldiers of the Indian Air Force supported him a lot.

Eight to 10 Taliban fighters had also come to meet the Indian Embassy
Naveen Thakur said that when he was in the Indian Embassy, ​​8 to 10 Taliban fighters had come to meet him. He came over to them and told them that they need not be afraid. The government here has fled, the army has also gone. Now his government is there and his security is posted outside the embassy. So they don’t need to worry about anything. They have to stay here for 2 days, stay for 2 days, stay for a month, stay for a month, stay as long as they want to. They won’t have any problem.

Leaders of many provinces are still fighting with Taliban fighters with their forces.
Leaders of several provinces in Afghanistan are still fighting Taliban fighters with their forces. Fighting information is being received from place to place. The leaders of these provinces have their own army. In which there are 20 to 25000 soldiers. They are all fighting Taliban fighters. Every day there are reports of war from many provinces.

Sharia law started in Afghanistan
Sharia law has started in Afghanistan. Accordingly, women have to live accordingly. In this law, there is a set of rules of Islamic society by which Islamic society is governed all over the world. Sharia law explains how to live socially, religiously, politically, economically and culturally within Islam. According to Sharia law, it has been told how a Muslim should live amidst all these rules. By the way, if seen, there are rules, ways of living of people within every society and religion. Similarly, Sharia law has been made for Muslims by framing some rules.

Sharia law has a profound effect on Muslims of Islam religion on their domestic to political, economic and cultural life. Shariat is said to be that policy, which is based on Islamic legal traditions and Islamic personal and moral practices.

Afghani speaking – if you do not leave here, you will commit suicide
Naveen Thakur said that the situation is so bad that the Afghans are completely scared of the Taliban. The kind of genocide they had done earlier, the same fear is still in their hearts. The Afghans say that if they cannot get out of here, they will commit suicide. There is complete silence in Kabul. General public

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