Natwar Singh questioned the Congress high command: Former External Affairs Minister said – the current situation of the party is not good at all, Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi are responsible for this

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  • Former External Affairs Minister Question Punjab Congress Sonia Gandhi Rahul Gandhi Priyanka Gandhi

New Delhi5 minutes ago

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Natwar Singh said that what happened in Punjab should not have happened.  The country needs a strong opposition at this time.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Natwar Singh said that what happened in Punjab should not have happened. The country needs a strong opposition at this time.

Former External Affairs Minister Natwar Singh on Thursday questioned the party high command regarding the current condition of the Congress. He said that this situation is not good at all. Three people are responsible for this, one of them is Rahul Gandhi. He said that Rahul does not even hold any post, but he takes decisions in all matters. Now neither the working committee meeting is held in the Congress nor the national executive is ever convened.

Natwar Singh also raised questions on the removal of Captain Amarinder Singh from the post of Chief Minister of Punjab. He said that Rahul Gandhi has taken the decision to remove Captain Amarinder, who has a long experience of 52 years. Instead of Captain, Congress gave the responsibility to that Navjot Singh Sidhu, who can take any decision at any time. Once Sidhu had resigned from Rajya Sabha and then on meeting Vice President Hamid Ansari asked if I can take him back.

No one is visible except Sonia-Rahul-Priyanka in Congress
Targeting Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi, the former External Affairs Minister said that there is no leader other than these three in the party. Does anyone raise their voice against them? Tell me if you have raised any voice. No one speaks even in the working committee meeting. Kapil Sibal and Ghulam Nabi spoke, but it will have no effect. The country needs a strong Congress.

There is a crisis in the party and the decision makers are sitting far away.
Regarding the turmoil in the Punjab Congress, Natwar Singh said that such a big crisis has come in the party and the decision-makers are sitting far away. He said that Sahabzada (Rahul Gandhi) is in Kerala, while Sahabzadi (Priyanka Gandhi) is in Uttar Pradesh. Both of them need to be in Chandigarh. Recalling the old days, he said that if Indira Gandhi or Rajiv Gandhi had been there, he would have been solving the party’s crisis at this time.

On Wednesday, Kapil Sibal expressed his displeasure
Earlier on Wednesday, senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal had expressed displeasure over the ongoing crisis in Punjab Congress. Sibal, who has questioned the leadership of the party, said, “Congress does not have an elected president, but the decision is being taken by someone or the other. Whether it is wrong or right… this discussion should be held in the working committee. There is a need to think about why people are leaving the party.

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